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This page is for Madison a new born foal

Madison is a Quater horse Tenessee walker cross. she was an accident. the neighbors stud colt came through the fence and bred two of the mares in our feild. Madison was the 1st born (august 25th) Della Madisons dam (mother) is the best mom in the world. She will let any one around her baby. Madison is great too. she is getting used to people handling her.But shes getting to be a bit of a brat hehe. she loves to be petted. There is now 4 picture pages 3 of Madison and on page of my horse more to come too :) Madison is almost 2 months old!!! the vet said that shes big for a 2 month old. Madison is getting a lil bad about biting and wants to kick at her owner.. lol its kind of funny well ill try and remember my cam next time i go to the barn.

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My Favorite things about having a baby horse (foal)

links to the other pages on the site

first page of pictures of Madison
second page of pictures of Madison
Pictures of Jake (my horse)
thrid page of pictures of Madison