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The Forums
Forum Xp FL# Dice Audit#
RA 90,340 AU'010FVP d88 n/a
Iniquity Inc. Pending ii.fl-018 d91 Pending
EA 203.450 EAFL033 4d91 EAD013
LoST 203.450 FL032 4d91 PEND

The Enhancers
Name Type Forum Reg#
Soul Splitter +5 att LoST LE035
Rusty Dagger +5 att LoST LE035
Resilience +5 def LoST LE035
Fortitude +5 def LoST LE035
Frenzied +2d10 ele LoST LE035
Natural Instincts +2 aap LoST LE035
Cloak of Mist +2 aas LoST LE035

The Protected (bg2&by)
All DeBeau Syient Tearz X Grave Ruin
Inimical Rage Afflictus Medri BrycerZM
The Digital Nazi