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----------->Ahhhhhhhhh PAGE<------------Whats UP?

ahhh i really dont know! this site will be exciting one day soon...really it will!!! =).........ARG this site is already pissing me off and i dont want to make it anymore CUZ IT SUCKS ASS line Alright Lets start a real Topic here! I'm having some problems here! I have to write these letters in my World Issues class to various foriegn governments, corporations and no profit organizations about issues that I'm concerned with! Well to be honest most things I'm concerned with cannot be solved or really my curiousity abuot the subjects wont be satisfied by writting some letter! SO I need some help here people! even though no one will be reading this I posting it anyways! If anyone has any suggestions as too what i can write about just post them in the "BLOG" section alright? under comments! thanks and i guess that will have to do until i get anouther forum up and running! I'm very pissed off that my Old site is no more, because that was a good site lol..well no not really but it was better than this! so anyways Thanks for the help!! And I Promise this site will get better when i have time and a computer to fix it! Thanks P.s. Yes I am aware of my horrible spelling and grammar but I really dont care! thanks for pointing that out!=)

Links and such!! look this sites actually going sumwhere

my blog
i dont know--this thing is just fucked, it was working..but isnt now!
pictures... actually this link isnt working

Reasons why this site sucks??
