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This is my first site using html, so beware anything, may I use the word, freaky... Or just beware it, either way guaranteed fun!

Welcome to this site of mines! Well, first things first, let me explain some of the stuff you'll see here. Mainly you'll find alot of rants from me, some reviews for any games I feel like reviewing, stuff like that... Feel free to look around and do sign my guest book... I mean you spent your time going here, you might as well, right?

Games to get for the near future

Front Mission 4: Can't wait

Final Fantasy XII:(Off by awhile, I know)

Star Ocean 3:Till the End of Time; Gonna be good from what I see, and SO 2 was awesome

DMC 3!!!: Kickass...

Pages added are zippo... Hopefully that could change, but for now I only have my main page here... Will add other stuff soon though, so just wait...
