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Chris And Rachell's
Wedding Page

Hello ALL and thanks for coming to our website. This site will be dedicated to our loving relationship and our happy lives together.

For all of the latest news Just Click Here

We are very happy to share our most special of events with you all and invite you to keep checking back since we are just getting started on our wedding plans and our new website.

This site will include our engagement pictures, our wedding info, and of course, pictures of the wedding itself and we will also do everything we can to make sure that you all can see how happy we make each other. I will be putting up pages that will describe all of the wonderful people that are going to be helping us get this whole thing together. Even discribing my bestman Adam (whom is somewhat responcible for me and Rachell's relationship) Just Click on the pic to learn more.... img

The Best Man - Groomsman - Groomsman - Groomsman



Maid Of Honor - Bridesmaid - Bridesmaid - Bridesmaid



Rachell's Bro BOB - Rachell's Bro Mike img

Bob & Darlene - Kelly & Connie - Bob Sr. img

Usher - Usher


With LOVE,
Chris and Rachell

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