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  • ׺°” Hey! Thankx4 for comming to my page. All i really want to do is talk bout things that r important 2 me,leave msg'z for my friends n just shyt like that. So i hope ya like it!...Megz.”°º×
  • •·.·´¯`·.·•~*~*~*~*EnJoY *~*~*~*~*•·.·´¯`·.·•
  • **ßãߥ ßøÿ ¥øü §†ãÿ øñ mÿ mïñÐ ƒüƒi££ mÿ ƒãñ†ã§ï€§ ï †hïñk ãߤü† ¥øü 㣣 †h€ †ïm€ ï §€€ ¥Øü ïñ mÿ Ðr€ãm§**
  • (¯`·._.·[Meaghan.Alexis*14*single]·._.·´¯)
  • ♥£ãÐ HãñЧ üp £€mm€ Çÿã §hãk€ ür §†üƒƒ Â-ß-Ç & Ð çüp§ £ï£ ßÿ Ñ ßïG º£ð ßü††§ ƒ€££ãZ HãñЧ HïgH £€mM€ Çÿã Wør|< ï† Øü† 1 †ïm€, Pü† üR ßøÐ¥ Ãgãïñ§† Mïñ€ ÇøMm¤ñ ߪߥ GRïÑÐ♥
  • ThoTz- mmh man this year has sucked so much,there is so much confusion and its only been like a week and i feel like im already behind in school work, but ah well this year my #1 goal is to do really good in school and get smart haha i miss summer time so much, it was so much better than school there is nothing to do anymore=(
  • ♥ïm ƒª££ïñ ƒør ¥øü, ïm ƒª££ïñ ƒør ¥øü,ï ƒ€££ ƒør ÿºü,ïm ƒª££ïñ♥
  • LiKeS* My Favorite things to do is hang out with my friends, we can b pretty CRAZY sumtimes lmao!!. I Luv every1 hoo can make me smile or laugh. I luv traveling-tho i never get the chance to*. N i also luv my sports- im a hockey gurl
  • ****ÑØ †ïM€ †ø §€ã®çH †h€ WºrLÐ ÂrøüÐ ©üZ ü Ñø Wh€®€ ï'll ߀ ƒøüñÐ Wh€Ñ ï Ǻm€ ÂrøüñÐ****
  • DiSliKes--Alrite first of all i have to say that i h8 lil boys that think they r players,drives me crazy, oh and boys that lead girls on and make them fall for him then gets bored of her.Fuk that piSSes me OFF!!
  • ««Ðøñ† WãñѪ G®øW Ûp ï WâñÑá G€† Øü† HEY †Ã|<€ M€ Äwª¥ Î WÀñÑã §hºü† Õü† **Tã|<€ M€ ÂWÁ¥**»»
  • ╚═♥══♥══♥═╝♥***SpEcIaL♥ShOuTs****♥╚═♥══♥══♥═╝
  • Saril- hey babe!! haha its been a bunk summer hasnt it? ah well things will change, schools guna start & just keep hopin were in tha same class like last year- it was awsum u me kels scott r scott w danny Man we had a kik ass year! but n e ways wanted to say thanks 4 always b'n there wen i need ya!!
  • Lisa- Lisa lisa lisa IM sooo proud of you for making soccer Nationals!!! thats pretty sweet man!! haha keep it up gurl ur AmaZin!!ya n u better take meeh to one of those hgi partys ur always going to!
  • Shawna- hey babe! Ahh man i no that ur going threw sum tuff shyt rite now but *no worries* thingz will clear up n u'll no the rite choices to make.***hoping things get better 4yah**-Missing yah SoOoOo much!!!have fun in tronto!!! only 6 more days till ur home haha!
  • Kels- KELSEY!!!LMAO i swear ur the funniest person i have ever meet! haha there have been so many times where i've juss been down n no matter wut i can count on u 2 make me laugh again. Man we've got a million hilarious memories!!
  • RoYa-AHH i miss ya SOOOO much!!! ah ur sooo lucky ur in south Carolina... so jealous,and im stuck here in sucky winnipeg..well u better call me soon.
  • To a another someone: psssh screw that.have fun with ur little grade ten hoes n u guys can just use and backstab eachother i dont want to be part of it, your all the same.
  • To the rest of my friends hoo i didnt mention- I luv u guys too!!!!!!!<3
  • ♥©üZ W€ £ø§† ï† ã££, Ñø†µïñg £ã§†§ ƒø®€v€® ïm §Ø®Rÿ ï çªñ‡ ߀ P€®ƒ€©T.♥
  • ~*~Ahh CrazY..School Started!!haha im *Hoping* it will be fun so far it has been.but its only tWo Dayz into school..haha

yea my page is kinda messed up cuz i have never done this b4. i just decided to cuz i was bored.* but yeeeah. thats all i have so say so GET OUT!!! haha jk Buh bYes**MaUh**