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Hey! Thanks for coming to my page! Just a little bit about myself. I'm currently SINGLE! Got my prospects though =P I'm currently attending the University of Rio Grande. I'm majoring in Early Childhood Education. I CAN'T WAIT!! =) I'm about 5'9" and got kinda blondish brown hair right now! I'm 19 years old and live in a small southern Ohio town. It's kinda boring but it's alright I guess. I work at Cardo's Pizza. I can do just about anything there. It kinda gets boring there sometimes. I teach a little baton group, and that's about all as far as myself. I've got some awesome friends. I don;t know what I would ever do with out them. Kristin-You're my best friend. You're there for me when no one else is. You know all my dirty little secrets. Even though we've had some problems with other people being retarded, we stuck together and didn't put up with that crap! I love you to death! Tiffany-You're like my little sister. I'd do anything and everything for ya. Becky-CONGRATS!! I was glad to be a part of your special day!! Matt McCartney-You're one of my best friends. You listen to all the shit going on in my life and you even help me come to my sences. Thanks! to the rest of ya and you know who you are: Live life like there's no tomorrow and never take things for granted. But That's all I need to say. Sign all my crap that I have on here. I'm going to be updating the pictures soon cuz I need some more of my friends! /GuestGEAR Code by \/ -->
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