Robert Vincent

  • Sr. Choir
  • Band, 9-12
  • Spanish Club
  • Nat'l. Honor Society, 12

  • Address: 188 Indian Branch Way, Lawrenceville, GA 30043

    Phone: 770-338-5540


    Marital Status: Married

    Spouse's Name: Ava

    Children: Christopher 6, Katelyn 4, Zachary 7 months

    Educational Background: BSCIS OSU

    Occupation: Support Engineer

    Spouse's Occupation: CEO of Vincent Inc. - AKA Stay at home mom

    Hobbies/Interests: Video Games, Photography, Cars

    Groups/Organizations I Belong To: Cub Scouts

    Goals: To raise Godly children

    What’s Happened Since High School: Graduated from OSU in 1990. I took a job with NCR in Atlanta, GA. I got married in 1997 to a wonderful native Georgia southern bell. We have had 3 children.