Diane Mahnen-Pocius

  • Powder Puff, 12
  • Spanish Club, 10-12
  • Nat'l. Honor Society, 11-12
  • Spanish Nat'l. Honor Society, 10-12
  • Voted the Class of 85's "Most Scholarly"

  • Address: 3124 Bean Oller Rd, Delaware, OH 43015

    Phone: 740-362-7697

    Email Address: dianepocius@hotmail.com

    Educational Background: BSBA, Bowling Green State University

    Marital Status: Married

    Spouse's Name: Pete Children: Sara--4 yrs, Sean--4 months

    Occupation: Full-time mom

    Spouse's Occupation: Software Engineer--CompuServe

    Hobbies: Kids, working out, getting together w/friends

    Goals: Provide loving environment for my family, return to the working world at some point!

    What's Happened Since High School: Graduated from BGSU in 1989, worked in retail banking, commercial real estate, and then business development locally for about 9 yrs. Once our daughter was born, we decided that daycare was not what we wanted for our children so I left my job to stay at home. Best decision that we could have made. We just recently built a new home, so I'm spending a lot of time tryint to get it the way I want it!