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"Sweet! A limo and everything," Justin said enthusiastically, bouncing on the seat slightly.  He looked at Lance, who was seated between JC and himself on the backseat. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." Lance looked at JC. "I'm sorry."  Lance's face was red with embarrassment.  "Really. That was..."

"What happened?" Justin demanded, putting a hand on Lance's knee.

"Alex," Lance said simply.

"Oh, him." Justin dismissed the situation entirely.

"Does he always treat you like that?" JC snapped.  "You let him?"

"Holy hell, Lance, what happened?" Justin gasped.

"When I came into the foyer, this Alex guy had Lance pressed up against the wall. He looked like he was threatening you."  JC's blue eyes were icy as they looked at Lance.

"He, well, he was, kinda...I had told him that I was involved with someone, Justin, really, so he'd leave me alone. But now he said he knew it wasn't Justin, and wanted to know why I lied to him and why I wouldn't get with him.  I told him a while back I wasn't into casual sex, and I guess he didn't believe me."  Lance looked at his hands.  "I guess I was a real chicken, I mean, I shoulda stood up to him, but no one's ever wanted me like that, so I wasn't sure how to act."  Lance sighed. "And I'm sorry you had to see it, and be there, and jump into it like that."

"It's not a problem," JC said, relaxing a bit. "It wasn't your fault.  Even people who are smaller than you physically can intimidate you if they have something to hold over you. Trust me."

"I'm sorry, Lance," Justin said.  "I told you he was harmless and everything...I should have seen how he treated you."

"It's okay, Justin," Lance said, smiling at his friend. He looked over at JC.  "My knight in shining armor," he said timidly. JC snorted, but he shifted his body so his leg pressed up against Lance's.


"Here you go, kids," JC said, swinging the door open.  "Chris and I have a suite similar to this right down the hall."

"Okay, I could SO get used to this." Justin started darting about the suite.  Lance wanted to do the same thing, but felt like an idiot.

"Don't you like it?" JC asked.

"I, wow. I love it. I...I don't think I've ever even LIVED in a place this big," Lance said.

"Lance, you should SEE this bathroom!"  Justin yelled.

"I'm glad one of you is impressed," JC said with a grin.

"Oh, I'm impressed.  Trust me," Lance assured him.

"Good. I wanted you to be. I want you to have a really good time this weekend."  JC pulled Lance close to him. "I want US to have a good time this weekend," he said suggestively, and Lance moaned quietly.  JC's cellphone rang and he answered it with a sigh. "What?  Oh, Chrissy. Yeah...we're down in fifteen-ten. The door's open."  He hung up.  "Justin's entertainment for the weekend," he told Lance, who looked confused.

JC was out on the balcony, pointing out the sights to Lance, when Chris arrived.  "Jayce?" Chris called.

"Out here," JC called back.

Chris started through the large living room when someone came out of  one of the bedrooms. "Hey!" Justin said in surprise. "How are you?"

"No WAY."  Chris went to the balcony and saw JC kissing Lance.  "No fucking way."

"What's wrong?" Justin tilted his head innocently.

"What are you doing here?"

"Well, JC's, you know, getting it on with Lance," Justin explained slowly.

"I'm NOT an idiot. I meant YOU. What are YOU doing here?"

"Maybe he wanted both of us."  Justin leaned against the wall and smiled.

"Hardly. I mean...he only wants Lance. I mean...he likes Lance. Oh fuck what I mean."

"Lance didn't feel comfortable coming here alone," Justin said in a more serious tone. "So I came along."

"That was nice of you," Chris said sincerely. "Isn't it weird?"

"VERY weird, but I plan on relaxing and enjoying my free weekend," Justin said with a grin. "Are YOU busy this weekend?"

"JC!"  Chris all but screamed, and JC finally broke away from Lance. They came into the living room. JC smiled when he saw Chris looking at Justin with fear in his eyes. "We need to talk. NOW."

"Why don't you two get settled in," JC suggested, "I'll be back for you in a half hour, and we can go laze around the pool before dinner."

"That sounds fine. Um, hi, Chris," Lance said.

"Hello, Lance. Joshua...NOW!" Chris snapped.

"Did you bring a Speedo?" JC said hopefully to Lance. Lance blushed and said no.  "Oh, well.  See you in a while."  JC sauntered out of the suite with Chris on his heels.

Justin laughed and fell into a chair. "This is SO awesome!"

"It is," Lance sighed, going back to the balcony.  He could still taste JC on his lips, and for a moment, it had felt so comfortable, being in his arms as they looked out over the skyline.  Almost like they were...together.

"You okay?" Justin asked, concerned. "Still freaking about Alex?"

"No. Alex is the LAST thing on my mind," Lance promised.


"You said you were bringing friends that I knew!"  Chris said accusingly.

"I DID!"  JC protested.

"They're not friends. They're..."

"Let's not go there," JC interrupted. "Relax, Chris. Why are you so afraid of him?"

"I'm NOT," Chris said. "I just don't get it."

"I'm looking forward for a weekend full of amazing sex. Here and there we'll probably go run around the town, but otherwise, I plan on having that beautiful boy horizontal and naked," JC told him.  "You can either play by yourself, or play with Justin."

"I don't WANT to play with Justin, Josh! How many times do I have to..."

"Infinity number of times, Chris, because I will NOT believe you," JC said, grinning. "Go take a shower or something. You're gonna bust a blood vessel." JC headed for his room, whistling cheerfully.

"Dammit," Chris muttered, trying not to think of things like Justin in a bathing suit and Justin in the shower as he headed for his own bedroom.
