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Tyre Tangiere

Tyre Tangiere, founded on January 1, 2000, is a nonterritorial nation, that exists within the North American Continent.

The Tyre Tangiere is not a game, fantasy or role playing game. It is made up of real people working together for the benefit of the Tyrian way of life. We are open to all, and except questions as to the goings on of Tyre Tangiere. We are not a terrorist organization or a hate group. We are a group of people who share a similar philosophy and culture.

The core philosophy of Tyre Tangiere is national unity and honor. We believe that no multicultural nation can survive, and that all such nations are plagued with inner strife. We seek to promote a feeling a of belongingness to our natural environment and to each other.

© 2000 Tyre Tangiere

Last Updated: May 26, 2004