Story Time

By Yarrula

When the wind starts to shriek,
And the snow is falling deep,
These old walls begin to creak.
So gather round, and listen well,
To this story I'm going to tell.

'Tis about warriors, brave and true,
Stalwart friends - just like you,
Plus the battle that will ensue,
When evil stands astride their path,
And defies their righteous wrath.

A beautiful day it started to be,
On the coast, beside the sea.
They were having lunch with tea,
When vermin charged up on the shore,
And offered battle to the four.

In a trice, the swords were out,
Frenzied creatures began to shout,
It was an awful, bloody bout,
With many wounded paws and head,
But all the vermin wound up dead.

The four stood by their victory,
On the shore next to the sea,
And finished the disrupted tea,
But it was not nice as before,
The four were ringed with blood and gore.

They decided to find the one,
who sent the vermin, spoilt the fun.
They won't rest until they're done,
Avenging wrongs on those that would,
Attack and kill the kind and good.

They started then to track and sniff,
When one caught a vermin whiff,
Coming from the nearby cliff,
And now the evil had a name,
And their rage it did inflame.

Then they started to run and scream,
The battle light in eyes agleam,
For a cunning battle scheme,
Had sprung into conscious thought,
The vermin leader soon was caught.

The fight over, the battle won,
And good could have it's rightful fun,
Out beneath the summer sun,
With no fear of vermin war,
Because of bravery by the four.

That's the story I had to say,
Now I will be on my way,
On this happy, joyous day.
I hope you have enjoyed this rhyme,
We'll do it again, some other time.