Sailor Otter Shanty

By Starswift Truewind

I'm a simple seabeast,
Followin' orders down t' ev'ry detail, well, sorta.
I'm mizzerable 'ere,
I've got th' bottom bunk!
Me mates all snore,
An' I keep fallin' out onto th' floor!
Th' cook's always sour an'
Th' food's just as baaad!

As I stagger to th' deck,
I wonder why th' heck I do this job!
Stoppin' t' watch th' sun rise o'er th' ship,
I 'ear our captain crack 'is whip, ip, ip!

"Swab th' decks,
Furl th' sails,
Ship those oars,
Steady there, recruit, ye owe me a salute!
I run a tight ship, mates, an' I intend t' keep it that way!
Me word is law,
Jus' one rebellion,
An' ye'll get wors'n th' back o' this paw!"

Oh why, oh why'd we join this ship?
I'm getting too many cuts from that whip!
Yessir, nossir, aye aye, all the day,
Do this, do that, later we'll plaaay!

We hoped to have a voyage o' fun,
I wish I'd listened to me mother an' run!

Voice softens.

But t' see th' glory o' a sea settin' sun,
To feel the majesty o' the storm!
To watch an' laugh as th' dolphins play,
Oh, matey, this's the only way!

Th' moon's ne'er clearer than out at sea,
Th' stars are near enough to reach for me!
T' see the sails fill out with wind,
T' watch the prow cast up the foam,
Oh, matey, matey, from this I'll never stray!
Nothin' between th' horizon an' me,
This will always be th' life fer me!

Gradually, the sea seems less bright,
Th' joy of th' crestin' waves dims in my sight,
An' ye're longin' fer th' 'ome ye left be'ind,
Th' friends an' family that are yer delight!

Finally the captain gives th' call,
An' you know ye're headed 'ome after a long haul,
Ohhh, I can't wait to see home again!

Th' ropes are tossed t' the deck,
An' you c'n 'ardly wait to jump ashore,
Th' sea ain't enough,
No, I want more!

Far be'ind th' others I stop an' turn,
Gazin' back at eternal days 'n weeks,
I smile!

Th' land 'as it's charms,
But it 'as no ties on me,
I'll always return -
Y'see, the far sea an' a tossin' deck is me 'ome,
An' me shipmates are me friends and family.

I'm a seafarin' otter sailor always.