My Chocolate Truffels

8 ounces of semi-sweet or bittersweet chocolate, coarsely chopped
1/2 cup whipping cream
1/4 cup unsalted butter
4 tsp Grand Marieir
zest of 1 orange
or shredded coconut if you use a different liqueur

I like the texture the coconut or orange provides

Place whipping cream and chocolate in a heavy saucepan over low heat and stir occasionally until chocolate melts. Add 2/3 of the butter and zest of orange, continue stirring until butter is melted. Remove from heat and add the last 1/3 of the butter stir till the butter has melted, let cool to room temperature add liqueur and blended into the mixture. Let sit in refrigerator until hard (about eight hours or so). Dig out by the teaspoon and form into balls, then roll in cocoa, icing sugar, or coconut place back in the refrigerator (freezer section) until very cold then dip in chocolate. I got the idea from the local Dairy Queen store if the balls are frozen the coating can be thinner . Makes 2 to 4 dozen.

I experimented with Frangelico- liqueur truffles I think the chocolate over powered the liqueur. Dipping them in white chocolate took longer to harden. This year the experiment is with peppermint liqueur a good combination with chocolate.

Chocolate Dipping Cover
Note make real sure you have CLEAN and DRY utensils to make the dip. Just a drop of water will cause lumps or worst harden the mixtures
It helps to use a double-boiler to control the temperature and it keeps the chocolate at a working temperature longer. Melt enough chocolate to fill a small pot insuring that there is enough depth to immerse the balls . The thickness of the coating can be controlled by how long you keep the balls in the dip . I add a little paraffin wax to the chocolate this gives them a nice gloss .

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