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It`s been a long time...
...but I still have my eyes on you. ----->


Yesterday came so quickly. So much happened yesterday; it`s amazing. I lost a friend here and there, but at least now I know who will be there when I`m in need. I went through many horrendous trials, I may have stumbled, but I never fell. After everything was said and done, I learned that strength comes from conquering weakness within. You control your own life; it`s the way it is because you made it that way. Yesterday I broke myself, today I will mend myself, and tomorrow I will improve myself.



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- samneang - sarath - serey - vann -

- photography class photo at ub -

- photography class assignment 001 -

- photography class assignment 002 -

... more to come ...



03.03.02 (2:41pm) Yay! I'm so proud of myself. I finally finished the layout of this page. A few accents here and there need to be added and this matter will be attended to within the next few days. The theme is simplicity. Nothing fancy schmancy, just very serene and peaceful. I've been meaning to get this page re-vamped for awhile now, but I've been very busy and was forced to neglect its very existence. Well, I hope you enjoy your stay and leave your mark in my guestbook so that I would be cognizant of your venture through my page.
03.08.02 (05:01pm) Woohoo! It’s finally Friday. I’m sort of tired though, so that leaves no room for fun. In any case, a few nights ago, I stumbled upon this web site, which provided information concerning an internship opportunity. I think it’ll be a great learning experience and am looking forward to it. With this in mind, I’ll probably be able to take on a part-time job during the nights and weekends, leading to a perfectly constructed itinerary for the summer. Sigh* I feel like I have everything pretty much in the palms of my hands. Hopefully, everything will work out as planned, but until then, wish me luck!
04.22.02 (11:37pm)It has been quite awhile since I last wrote my entry. Spring Break came and flew by at an exponential rate. Despite that fact, my main goal was to make the most of it; fortunate enough, I did. Not only was it fulfilling, but very memorable and full of fun -- a word that has a rather nebulous meaning at this time in my life. I could go into detail on how my SB went, but lets just leave it at "fun!" I guess I'll just address everything that's in my mind one by one. Let's see, where shall I start?
(a) College: Boy, this little word has the value of at least thirty grand. Talk about crazy!! I honestly don't think I am actually prepared for this new trek ahead of me. It seems very exciting, yet nerve-racking. That is not the only fact that is bogging me down. (b) Friends: All my friends and all the people I know are venturing different paths at different schools. Sniffles* I'm going to miss them all. I don't know a single person who is going to my college. Technically speaking, I do know two people, but I hardly talked to them during high school. It also seems like everyone is ready for what is coming next, as for me, my thoughts concerning this issue is quite the opposite. (c) Senoritis: Ugh!! I never thought I'd dread my senior year, who ever said senior year is the best? I think that was just a prop to get students motivated and vamped for their senior year, so that they become anxious and complete the other three years successfully. The classes are already overwhelming, the college process was a hassle in its entirety, the extracurricular activities, family and friends, the aftermath of the college process combined with financial hardships consisting primarily of the expenses and the scholarship search. Blah!! (d) Leisure: Whoa! I haven't heard this word until a recent Latin vocab lesson pertaining to leisure otium, oti [neuter]. (e) Conclusion: Despite all of the above, I know I will try to make the best it all. I guess I've become an expertise at the art of complaining, but I always pull through, successfully, I might add. :)
05.04.02 (06:32 p) a splendid day it is today! the fiery ball is still shining brilliantly over us. nothing is better than feeling a surge of "happiness" flowing through my veins.
being a senior has its pro's and con's, although the majority are con's; but hey, better than no pro's at all. i slaved away my first semester, all while i was going through the college process. my second semester became dull since i didn't have any school work whatsoever, but fortunately enough for me, scholarship applications kept me awake and on my tippy toes. now that that is over (thank god, although i am an atheist. so shoot me, why don't ya!! it's just a commonly used expression to describe my current state of mind) so, where was i? oh yes, now that i've been cured from the senioritis plague, i have plenty of things coming ahead. here's my schedule for the may-june itinerary:
a] may 7th & may 10th: mentor program finale *sniffles*
b] may 8th: senior recognition nhs banquet and caps & gowns
c] may 11th: upward bound seminar
d] may 13th: national latin exam award ceremony
e] may 15th: nhs induction ceremony
f] may 21st: last day of school
g] may 22nd: finals
h] may 24th: mom's birthday!! and alumni scholarship ceremony
i] may 25th: east meets west (dance extravaganza)
j] may 27th: memorial day
k] may 31st: senior prom
l] june 7th: class day
m] june 9th: graduation
n] june 19th: josh's birthday and dollars for scholars' scholarship ceremony
o] june 21-24th: whitewater rafting and rock/rope climbing in maine
p] june 26th: citizens for citizens' scholarship ceremony
q] june 28th & 29th: mcp orientation day
r] june 30th: upward bound summer program commences
wow! only two weeks of school left. the year has gone by so fast and the only things that are running through my mind are flashbacks of everything that has happened. despite the fact that durfee high isn't the best school in the nation, i think i'm going to miss dhs a lot. i'll save the shout outs, etc. for a later date. so anyway, i ate out at pizza hut today . boy! are their breadsticks yummy!! getting me hungry again. lol. afterwards, we went to the mall since the movie wasn't going to start until 2.30p. i saw this very elegant/cute dress. i think i'm going to get it next weekend. we then started our way to the theater. even though we were ten minutes early, the audience was already jammed pack!! spiderman is such an awesome movie. i recommend you movie-goers to watch it. it's sure worth the $8.50 (or $4.75 matinee). there is a combo of action, romance, comedy and suspense. i wouldn't mind seeing it again. well, i'm kinda broke, so maybe not. lol
05.13.02 (11:23p) Sometimes, love makes you so utterly blind; in the end, you neglect to acknowledge what has always been there—the truth. After this experience, well, after these trains of thought, I finally realize that I’m growing up and maturing. I feel like I’ve already reached the age of twenty-five, yet I’m only seventeen; what a wide gap, eh? Even at seventeen, I realize what I have is not something I want yet in life. The cliché, “You’re too young to love,” holds so true. I wish I could have grasp this thought and comprehend it sooner than now. Despite the fact that experience is good, I feel as though I’m too young. I know others view this from an opposite standpoint, but I completely understand that they are ready for what lies ahead and are emotionally stable for what love brings about. However, I’m just not prepared. I think I should just focus on my studies and do what I do best. My last thoughts… I look up to those who are still young and prepared for the lovely word, Love; but for me, I think I’ll come across Love again later on in my life… Until then, I just want to apologize to those who I have affected… I’m so sorry…
05.30.02 (12:33a)good morning america!!! i know i've been neglecting my cyber jounal, but my schedule has been jammed pack. last week was splendid! went out practically everyday of the week and each day was so0o fulfilling and relaxing. school was out eight days ago. as for this week, i've been working crazy hours. no, i don't sell drugs and did not turn to prostitution, if you'd like to know. so far, my summer vacation before college has been very fulfilling. senior prom is coming up this friday and i still don't know how i'd like my hair done for this formal occasion. i'm very excited yet very nervous. it'll be the last time i'll be seeing all my friends from high school together. sigh* i'm already missing high school. now that college is approaching soon, i'm already missing fall river for crying out loud! sad, but true, but hey, what can i do? anyways, i've been having some intense dreams lately and they all happen to come true so far. it makes me wonder what i'm going to dream about next. luckily my mom is very good at interpreting things like this (it means that she's very perceptive), that way, she can decipher the true meaning behind the insomniac visage. by the way, i almost forgot to mention!! i finally trimmed my hair. feels a lot more lighter now that i think about; and it was only two inches. shrugs* very strange. well, i do have extra thick coarse hair, so i surmise these are also factors which contributed to the weighty chopped off hair. i also bought candies' sandals yesterday evening. they are so0o comfortable to walk in. it feels like i'm walking on sponges!! however, when i was at macy*s, i only tried on the right sandal. turns out the strap of the other side is tighter than the right sandal. weird. so hopefully, i'll be able to exchange them for a more comfier pair. i also bought a $20.00-frame. it's absolutely gorgeous; not only that, it was on sale for $6.00!! what an awesome buy. welps, that's basically my day yesterday. i think i better off go to bed. tootles!!

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segment! Scroll! I tell ya!
Scroll like you've never scrolled before! :)


::Current Winamp Playlist::
B | T | W

fall river, massachusetts
single.not interested
senior @ durfee high


dance dance revolution
eating out

community service [mentoring]
upward bound

dark angel
hey arnold
the simpsons

movies [theatres + rentals]
music [everything]

gazing @ the night sky [astronomy]
long hot showers
rainy days
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