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Remus Lupin ... man, wolf, loyal friend, wise teacher ... the stories show a thousand faces.

, there was a boy, a young boy, who met his fate in a werewolf's jaws. The boy was a wizard, and he was admitted to the most famous wizarding school in the world. There he met three other boys, and their adventures are famous. They became known as .

When he left the school, the history books fall silent. In , who knows how the young werewolf filled his time? Twelve years after the deaths of many of his friends, he returned to Hogwarts, as a teacher of But a werewolf rarely finds a home for long, and he taught at the school for only a year before he was forced to leave. So The stories will tell you...

If you want to read other fanfiction, go to Fanfiction.Net where there are thousands of Harry Potter stories. Or to read other stories by me, go to Other stories and my page.

Site owned by Blaise. My business site. Special thanks to Firebolt and Peeves for graphics.

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Remus Lupin and all other characters from the 'Harry Potter' series of books belong to J. K. Rowling and her publishers. I am not making any money out of this site, and no infringement of copyright is intended.