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Extracts from

'QE 2 The finer points '

On sale at £7 including Post and packaging. (UK) All cash from book sales go to QE 2 Charities.

For sale contact Peter Garland.

1964 The John Brown shipyard quoted The Cunard Steam Ship Co. Ltd. the sum of £25,427,000 (£302,072,000, adjusted for current inflation) for the construction of an welded, rather than riveted ship, thus saving 2,000 tons in weight in the ships hull. This saving was achieved, as the plating does not require overlapping, which the rivet method does.

(It is interesting to note that a single Jumbo Jet would have cost £8 million in 1964)

A writer in Punch said “ Somehow all I can visualise so far, is that if the pound notes provided by HM Government to build her were laid end to end, they would stretch for 134 miles, 270 yards and 3 inches, or approximately from Admiralty House to Stoke on Trent”.

1984 The only seagoing branch of Harrods Department Store was established and located on One Deck, near D stairway.

Some fascinating facts emerged during a series of trivia quizzes about the QE 2 during the World Cruise. She had steamed 1,918,826 miles, equalling 243 trips around the world, it would take 4 months to participate in all her activities, used 150 lbs of caviar each day. Burt Lancaster once ran the full length of the Boat Deck on his hands, etc. (I once walked the full length of the Boat Deck on my feet.)

‘QE 2 the finer points.’

On sale at £7 including Post and packaging (UK).

All cash from book sales go to QE 2 charities.

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