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September brings with it sadness,

flowers disappear,

so shall birds begin the long journey South...

Snow flies in October,

what once the sun claimed as it's playground,

winds play now without fear...


My heart makes a journey,

roads of tears and sorrow,

become it's winding path.

Death tapped upon the door,

memories again took flight within the soul,

reliving all that's long since passed.


Clouds become a vision,

inviting me to take part,

in a spiritual dance.

To the right the light reflects the images,

"Can you spot the Angel"?

Perhaps instead you see a rainbow,

to God's door it's path has laid the way.


We danced,

we cried,

embraced every moment,

savored every second,

touched every texture,

clutched each detail selfishly within our self.


God has come to claim you,

his child you have always been.

On loan to earth and family,

your soul was free to roam.

The gift of life was given,

only to be called back by him again.


Does your soul reside within us?

Within deaths most honored tradition,

the cleansing dying breath,

does the soul make the finale flight?

Does your soul return to Heaven,

or does it make it's home inside the hearts,

of those that loved,

and shared your life?


As I write this sonnet,

I feel your arms surround me,

your love pulls at my soul.

Am I still connected to your essence,

or are you forever claimed only as Heaven's own?

Written ©bydiana2001 and dedicated to my Father Sam, Grandma Ginny and Bea..Thank You for staying long enough to share my childhood and contribute to who I am. You are all indeed special souls who made a difference in my life and whom I have only lost for the time being. You have taught me not to fear death...for I know I will live on inside those that love me as you live on inside me. (17746 bytes) (62816 bytes)</a></p>
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