My life as I have seen it

If you are an old friend looking at this well remind you of all of the good times that we have shared. And there has been plenty. If you are a new friend and you want to learn all about me search through and see how I like to spend my free time and goof off! I am told that goofing off is what I do best.

Links to my other pages

My home away from home
Girls Night In 2002!
Check out Bruce's 50th B-Day!
Look how retarded I can be with Jen.
My 21st B-Day!
Some of the cuter memories!
Where were you July 12th?
The people that have influenced me to be bad.
Enter Only if U want to see the feelings.
Watch me get a little kinky!
How times can change!
Our weekly AIT meetings
When parents are away I play!
I don't even know what happened!
Some Poems to remember
The man of my dreams...
These go out to the ones I.....
You never said...
Reminise with me on the glory days
Where did all the good times go??
Celebrating Jens B-Day!
