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Sinful Shadows:
Sinful Shadows: There's your fuckin rap lmao
Sinful Shadows: You're gonna like that page
Rufiohaspan: so wheres this guy live
Sinful Shadows: Don't know.
Sinful Shadows: He's one of the random people that found out about my website from school
Sinful Shadows: And he's only brave enough to talk shit to me online
Rufiohaspan: cant u hack him?
Rufiohaspan: like u said?
Sinful Shadows: Yeah, but dude
Rufiohaspan: DO IT
Rufiohaspan: dO it
Sinful Shadows: I also said "Don't ever threaten me again if you want your mother to be alive the next morning"
Sinful Shadows: Which is a second chance
Sinful Shadows: I wouldn't hack him to break down his comp man
Rufiohaspan: hack him
Sinful Shadows: That's too simple
Sinful Shadows: I'd hack him to blow his fuckin brains out
Sinful Shadows: Truly, ALL I gotta do
Rufiohaspan: tell me where he lives
Sinful Shadows: Is get this lil fag's address
Rufiohaspan: come on i want it
Sinful Shadows: dial up "Blood" (Casey)
Rufiohaspan: ill egg his house
Sinful Shadows: and there would be a drive by on him -.-
Rufiohaspan: get me the fucking adress
Sinful Shadows: Nah man, I want this shit to be real :D
Sinful Shadows: Seriously dude
Rufiohaspan: come on i want it
Sinful Shadows: if you hear about a drive-by on someone's house all over the local news
Rufiohaspan: its easy u said
Rufiohaspan: do it
Sinful Shadows: You'll know I FUCKED him up -.-
Sinful Shadows: No, it's easy if I give a shit
Rufiohaspan: do it
Rufiohaspan: come on
Sinful Shadows: There's a lot involved in hacking dude
Rufiohaspan: i want to see!
Sinful Shadows: First off, I gotta get his IP address
Rufiohaspan: get it
Sinful Shadows: Then I gotta hack into the Windows Databases
Rufiohaspan: its easy u said!
Sinful Shadows: Which I don't care to do right now -.-
Sinful Shadows: NO DUDE!
Sinful Shadows: I said I can do it because it's easy enough
Sinful Shadows: Easy meaning I can't get caught and it's a 100% success
Sinful Shadows: but it takes a LOT of work
Sinful Shadows: Although, I'm gonna tell Harrison to break his comp down anyway
Rufiohaspan: what else u got to do
Sinful Shadows: Write songs and shit :D
Rufiohaspan: harrison as harriosn ford?
Sinful Shadows: I even have two recordings posted on that page
Sinful Shadows: no -.-
Rufiohaspan: harrison who?
Sinful Shadows: No one you know
Sinful Shadows: He's not in our school
Rufiohaspan: Hack this guy
Rufiohaspan: and post his files
Rufiohaspan: and shit
Rufiohaspan: DO IT
Sinful Shadows: Like what?
Sinful Shadows: You think this fag has real files? -.-
Rufiohaspan: idk do it
Sinful Shadows: You dumbass -.-
Sinful Shadows: There's very few people who write
Rufiohaspan: come on i want to see ur wrath
Sinful Shadows: Lol you WILL see my wrath
Sinful Shadows: I'm going to burn him the real way
Rufiohaspan: do it do it do it
Sinful Shadows: I'm writing a song against him just to show everyone what talent is -.-
Rufiohaspan: hes your muse
Sinful Shadows: I know he is
Sinful Shadows: I could have him murdered before monday
Sinful Shadows: I'm not afraid to either
Sinful Shadows: Depends on how much he pisses me off
Rufiohaspan: Do it
Rufiohaspan: o man do it
Sinful Shadows: Not yet
Rufiohaspan: Bang bang the dick is dead bang bang
Sinful Shadows: I gave him another chance man
Rufiohaspan: a shot in the head
Sinful Shadows: I'm NOT an evil judge
Sinful Shadows: But I'm tellin you man
Sinful Shadows: What I posted on the site
Sinful Shadows: I ain't bullshitting
Sinful Shadows: If he threatens me again
Sinful Shadows: He's dead
Sinful Shadows: along with his family members
Sinful Shadows: I don't take shit from anyone when it comes to death threats
Rufiohaspan: dies laughing
Sinful Shadows: Neither does Casey man
Sinful Shadows: That's why he got shot -.-
Rufiohaspan: yea my friends in the white wolves
Rufiohaspan: man there awesome
Sinful Shadows: I hate racists, but yeah, they're probably murderers too
Rufiohaspan: o man whats caseys last name
Rufiohaspan: is it tough
Rufiohaspan: if hes a blood this line makes no sense
Rufiohaspan: Sinful Shadows: I WANT to die, cause when I do, you'll get a million Crips against your dumb ass -.-

Rufiohaspan: r there two caseys?
Sinful Shadows: Yeah, one of them's a harmless girl in our school, but I don't call her Casey
Sinful Shadows: I call her "Jupiter". ^^
Sinful Shadows: And yeah, about the Crips part
Sinful Shadows: I was serious
Sinful Shadows: Just cause Casey got shot doesn't mean they won't help him
Rufiohaspan: and why would they lsiten to a white boy?
Rufiohaspan: dont u gotta be black
Sinful Shadows: Dude
Sinful Shadows: CASEY'S WHITE -.-
Sinful Shadows: You don't gotta be black at all dude
Sinful Shadows: You just gotta be a thug
Sinful Shadows: And you gotta man up and adjust for the initiation
Sinful Shadows: That's it
Sinful Shadows: If you can accept it, you're in
Sinful Shadows: When they do initiations
Rufiohaspan: idk there all black
Sinful Shadows: They shuffle a deck of cards
Sinful Shadows: and draw one
Sinful Shadows: whatever the number is
Sinful Shadows: Is how many guys you get jumped by for initiaion
Sinful Shadows: and how many bullets you take if you wanna leave
Rufiohaspan: howcome they didnt kill casey
Rufiohaspan: all gangs kill quiters
Sinful Shadows: No, they don't.
Sinful Shadows: The Crips stick to their code with members
Sinful Shadows: And if one leaves, they don't betray their trust
Sinful Shadows: Casey was meant to take four bullets
Sinful Shadows: Three of them missed though, so he was lucky
Rufiohaspan: Sinful Shadows: dial up "Blood" (Casey)
Rufiohaspan: wtf is he
Rufiohaspan: a blood or a crip
Rufiohaspan: im confused
Sinful Shadows: No dude
Sinful Shadows: His name is "Blood Drop"
Sinful Shadows: Shoogo got confused with that too
Rufiohaspan: to be a blood u gotta kill a crip
Sinful Shadows: And where'd you hear that from?
Rufiohaspan: the news
Sinful Shadows: You think the news knows anything?
Sinful Shadows: Wtf would the crips or bloods reveal to the media?
Rufiohaspan: its alot more tough than drawing cards
Sinful Shadows: No dude, it isn't
Sinful Shadows: That's how they do it
Sinful Shadows: Casey got jumped and beat the shit out of by four guys for the initiation yo
Sinful Shadows: That's cause his card was a 4
Sinful Shadows: The suit might mean something too
Sinful Shadows: I only know for sure the number does
Rufiohaspan: wouldnt you telling some1 to kill him get u arrested
Rufiohaspan: or have u done this b4
Rufiohaspan: cause u even post it on your site major evidence
Sinful Shadows: First off
Sinful Shadows: He threatened to kill me first
Sinful Shadows: Second, it's over the internet on a website.
Sinful Shadows: No one can drop anyone on a website
Rufiohaspan: idk there loads of proof
Rufiohaspan: o man they are probably gonna make a law and order show out of it
Sinful Shadows: Probably -.-
Sinful Shadows: I'll even write that on the site.
Rufiohaspan: ill send u stuff in jail:-)
Rufiohaspan: o man this is going in my info
Sinful Shadows: If he threatens me again He's dead along with his family members
I don't take shit from anyone when it comes to death threats

Rufiohaspan: omg this so cool
Rufiohaspan: you should scan the newspaper report
Rufiohaspan: too sweet
Rufiohaspan: O man can ur crip friend buy us drugs
Sinful Shadows: Of course he can -.-
Sinful Shadows: Will I let him? Fuck no.
Rufiohaspan: howcome?
Rufiohaspan: how much it cost to plan a driveby?
Rufiohaspan: Like can u order em
Rufiohaspan: man does your gettho friend like only call from street phones
Rufiohaspan: when hes out pushing
Rufiohaspan: o man i wish he had the internet so i could im him
Sinful Shadows: No dude, he's not that ghetto -.-
Sinful Shadows: He joined the crips to be an assassin
Sinful Shadows: And get away with it
Sinful Shadows: I convinced him that a life like that isn't worth living
Rufiohaspan: how do u know him in the first place
Rufiohaspan: does he have aim?
Sinful Shadows: MSN.
Rufiohaspan: sn?
Sinful Shadows: Dude, I seriously don't wanna give that out -.-
Sinful Shadows: He's got the same thing with me
Sinful Shadows: Like
Sinful Shadows: if he gives out my names
Sinful Shadows: I get pissed at him -.-
Sinful Shadows: So I'd respect him for it too
Rufiohaspan: come on tell me
Sinful Shadows: No -.-
Rufiohaspan: come on
Sinful Shadows: LOL!!!
Rufiohaspan: you give out ur own sn
Sinful Shadows: Harrison IMed him!
Rufiohaspan: who the fucks harrison
Rufiohaspan: wtf is a harrison
Sinful Shadows wants to directly connect.
Sinful Shadows is now directly connected.
Sinful Shadows: StrifeXTribal: StrifeXTribal: NIGGA I'M FROM THE STREETS!
shoogo73: hahaha
StrifeXTribal: :-)
shoogo73: this is tha same fag
StrifeXTribal: Nuuuuuh
StrifeXTribal: This is his dundundun
StrifeXTribal: Batman person
StrifeXTribal: Now suck it Marshall
Sinful Shadows: This is too good dude
Sinful Shadows: Everybody is going to bother the shit out of this kid
Sinful Shadows: Till he gives up
Sinful Shadows: and asks me to take his name off the internet or something
Sinful Shadows: Or makes a new name and abandons that one o.o
Rufiohaspan: howcome u dont im him?
Rufiohaspan: again
Sinful Shadows: Because I don't care :D
Rufiohaspan: u block him?
Sinful Shadows: So far, a bunch of people IMed him randomly :D
Sinful Shadows: Yeah
Rufiohaspan: i dont see how u own some1 online
Rufiohaspan: isnt blocking him admiting defeat?
Rufiohaspan: number 1 rule u never block any1,..
Rufiohaspan: only pussys block
Sinful Shadows: No dude
Rufiohaspan: even i dont block
Sinful Shadows: I only block once
Rufiohaspan: unblock him
Rufiohaspan: do it
Sinful Shadows: Because I know they'll talk to me on another name
Sinful Shadows: If they do
Rufiohaspan: geesh do something
Sinful Shadows: that means they want war
Sinful Shadows: And they know that
Sinful Shadows: Becasue I gave him a final chance to shut his trap and back off by blocking him
Rufiohaspan: stop being a cunt and attack him online
Rufiohaspan: or real life
Rufiohaspan: do it
Rufiohaspan: stop being a cunt and do it
Rufiohaspan: come on
Rufiohaspan: talks so over with
Rufiohaspan: this is gonna be sweet seeing u on tv
Rufiohaspan: geesh u could least answer
Rufiohaspan: do it
Rufiohaspan: do it
Rufiohaspan: do it
Rufiohaspan: its so sweet i saved this so i can read it latter
Rufiohaspan: too cool
Rufiohaspan: o man its already 200k this is like a tv show
Rufiohaspan: Omg lets print coppies tos how at lunch
Rufiohaspan: ill print 4 u print 4 more
Sinful Shadows: No dude
Sinful Shadows: Keep this shit discreet
Sinful Shadows: If someone gets on my website, fine
Sinful Shadows: But it doesn't go out of the site
Rufiohaspan: howcome
Sinful Shadows: Because I don't want it to -.-
Rufiohaspan: noones gonna care
Sinful Shadows: Not many people know Xaroh Ghalon is Zack dude
Sinful Shadows: And I seriously don't want to have to bump heads with too many peope
Sinful Shadows: people*
Rufiohaspan: everyone does
Sinful Shadows: No they don't -.-
Rufiohaspan: well i msut of told a million people at school
Rufiohaspan: about your site
Rufiohaspan: lol
Sinful Shadows: Gah -.-
Sinful Shadows: So that's how they found out who it was..
Rufiohaspan: its not like the cops r gonna find this
Rufiohaspan: ill keep all the copies in my locker
Sinful Shadows: Just don't say my name dude..
Sinful Shadows: I don't care about anything else, but my name stays out
Rufiohaspan: geesh they wouldnt even know who zack patel is
Rufiohaspan: there must be a million zack patels
Sinful Shadows: They'll find out! -.-
Sinful Shadows: I'm one of the only patels in the school
Sinful Shadows: let alone a Zack