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Welcome to the

Our Mission Statement
After years of owning, and successfully maintaining countless freshwater aquariums, I recently decided to take the next step and try a saltwater tank. After much debating and thinking, I came to the conclusion that I would be most happy having Lionfish in this new addition to my home. The next few days yielded countless hours at the library and bookstores, and even more at home on the internet, searching for information on these fascinating fish. I finally gathered enough information about these fish, but it was from many sources. So, I decided to create a database for both future, current, and past owners of lionfish.

Our goals:

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Glossary of Pages
  • Home: This page.
  • Information: Links to other pages on this site giving information about various subjects, including: Lionfish, saltwater tank setup, etc.
  • Lionfish Species: A list of the most commonly kept lionfish species. Includes photos, and species specific information.
  • Fishes Commonly Kept with Lionfish: A listing of some fishes that are compatable with lionfish. Includes photos, and brief information.
  • Forums: Links to our forums page, where you can chat with other fishowners about anything aquaria related.
  • My tank: Photos and information about my fishtanks, both salt and freshwater.
  • Links: Links to other aquaria related websites.

If you have any photographs or information pertaining to lionfish, please E-mail me at the address below. I would be more than happy to share your pics or info with everyone.
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