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By the Grace of God

Written by Mary Katherine Kohl

Hello, my name is Jessica. My life isn’t all pleasure

Therefore, the Grace of God; I reach for, and treasure!

It's a mighty rough path that I must trod

But I’m daily traveling by the grace of God.

There’s been a lot of pain, heartache and strife.

And many many surgeries throughout my life.

The hospital has been like my second home

But while I laid in the hospital I wasn’t alone;

For I gave my heart to Jesus a long time ago

And now He’s with me wherever I go.

He gives me comfort and peace inside.

He’s my daily companion, here by my side.

With each new hurdle that I must face

Jesus is with me. And I’m filled with grace.

Each new handicap becomes a challenge to me

For I’m determined to conquer life’s battles, you see!

I’ll continue to struggle and I’ll never give up

For I’m certainly no wimp or a helpless little pup.

While many doctors and nurses worked to pull me through

My family provided LOVE and encouragement too!

And everyone was praying for me each day

Which I appreciate more than words can say.

For they forgot about self to lend me a hand

I love them dearly. They’ve been just grand!

At times there were limits of what they could do

So God reached down to pull me through.

And with each new obstacle that I must face

God will help me to finish life’s race.

My Father in Heaven showers me with LOVE.

And someday I’ll be with Him in heaven above.

Meanwhile, I’ve been given a task to do

Of offering encouragement to each one of you.

I’ll not give up until life’s fight I’ve won

Then I’ll enjoy Heaven with God’s Divine Son.

I love you dearly, Jessica


Mary Katherine Kohl

Romans 8:28

And we know all things work together for good to those who love God,
to those who are called according to His purpose.

II Cor. 12:9 And He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you,
for my strength is made perfect in weakness."

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