The Polka-Dancing Bus Driver And The 40-Year-Old Mystery

If nothing else, the title alone is worth the price of admission. Although, right now, I like what it has to say--the enduring optimism, which I think we can all use, plus, cool old story, and not to mention the moral of the story, which is, of course, I'm not fucking psychic *L* Seriously, how many times do we all play the XFiles "I'm fine" game, totally lying on the outside, while the person we're lying to is going insane trying to figure it out--it's not like they don't know we're lying--or you're lying, as the case may be--but they can't read your mind. Spit it out--tell 'em what's going on--what's the worst that can happen?
Been my motto for years--I'll throw out the worst Michele has to offer--if you're still around after that, I know you ain't goin' nowhere. And for the most part, it works.
Plus, it gets all that love me love my gay stuff outta the way early.
So, I have a cold, for no reason whatsoever, and I refuse to give into it. Luckily, cramps are so bad right now that I'm od'ing on advil, so that's knocking this bug for a loop as well. My voice is not sexy Demi Moore in St Elmo's Fire yet, but on its way. My nose is starting to get plugged up, and that sucks ass, cos I can't even clear my sinuses when I'm having my period. Yuck, no thanks!! Hopefully it will all be gone by tomorrow, as that's about all the time I have to waste on feeling like crap.

Disneyland in six days!!! Yikes!!!! I'm so not ready!!!! God, please like me!!!! Don't let me be too big a freak. Oh, and we don't have to go to a drag show, I just thought it was cool and perfectly like me to find one *L* But really: Boom Boom Room? How can we not go? *L*

Nothing else to offer right now but a sneeze and a cough, and since it's unofficially Hug your favorite writer day, I've something far more important to write right now. Gotta book.

New hair tomorrow. Love you all, especially you, and you know who you are ;)

The Polka-Dancing Bus Driver And The 40-Year-Old Mystery
© 1997 Christine Lavin

He drives the airport express bus
in Minneapolis
he plays polka music
for the passengers he drives
he works Monday through Friday
the same shift everyday
but it's on Saturday and Sunday
he says that he comes alive

"My wife and I go polka dancing
every single weekend
we've developed quite a style
over 37 years
we met while rollerskating
soon we were dating
which of course to mating
then settling right here

Now I am not a braggart
but I can say with pride and joy
that I've been graceful on my feet
since I was a little boy
people stop now and watch us dancing
now we know that we must look smooth
my wife and I know by heart
all of each other's moves

But one thing has always bothered me
when I was a kid
girls would never dance with me
no matter what I did
I know I wasn't handsome
and the truth is I was poor
I tried hard to be friendly
I don't think I was a bore

But all the girls that I approached
simply shook their heads
I'd retreat across the dance floor
hang out with my buddies there instead
and soon I just stopped asking them
it was easier that way
thank God my wife walked into
the roller rink that day

Last year I went to the 40th reunion
of my high school class
my wife and I danced all the dances
the slow ones and the fast
and I saw the girls -- they're women now
who'd never dance with me
all those awkward feelings came back
the way it used to be

So I went right up to them
(even though I was shaking all inside)
and I said 'something's really bothering me
that I can no longer hide
years ago I asked all of you to dance
but you always said no
what was it about me
that you all disliked so?

They, stuttered and they stammered
and they said 'it wasn't you
we did not know how to dance
we thought you knew
we never danced with anyone
we always felt like fools
we were perennial wallflowers
all through high school'"

So one by one he danced them each
around the high school gym
his wife smiled as the girls
awkwardly followed him
and then he took her in his arms
and glided out the door
the 40 year old mystery
a mystery no more