January 16, 1985

Hi, kids

Yah, it's me again.  The last coupla days really aren't worth talking about, unless you take it from my mentality.
Monday, ___ had a real case of the blues, so we went to the Terrace Green for a drink.  We just talked about everything-well, not everything, but enough.  Apparently, he even considered suicide once (apres ___).  Wild!  Not neat wild, but odd wild.  We were wondering what would have happened if we'd never met-obviously I'd be dead!  But, c'est la vie.
Last night (Tues.) we bowled.  I got two two-hundred games.  Talk about luck!  Then ___, ___ and I went to "the donut place" for java.  ___ seemed more comfortable than in previous visits.  That's good.  So life is fine for another day.
MC Solo