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    Wonder Project J is similiar to "The Sims", but a lot more fun in my opinion. The game revolves around Pino, a Gijin (robots on Corlo Island are called Gijins) who looks exactly like a human boy, and also acts like one. He starts only with a understanding of the language (which is Kanji, unless you dowload the patch from wakdhaks.) and limitless potential. As Tinker, a interface Gijin connected to Pino, you tell him what to do and hope he reacts with some sort of intelligence. Early on, he tends to use his strength and body, but later he will begin thinking about possiblities for objects. The adventures lead from saving ##4600, or 46 for short, and planting seeds at a farm to searching for treasure with Add, an adventurer looking for some lost treasure. Pino understands that he is a Gijin, and also that people can't tell he is one. During a track-and-field event, after winning three events, the ref sees you and states about how great it is that you upstaged the Gijin. Pino says, "But, I'm not...." Ref says, "Speak up, what did you say?" Pino says, "Um..nothing. (I'd better keep that quiet for now.)" The main goal seems to be to get the inhabitants of the island to shed their feelings of hate toward Gijin, who helped colonized the island. I have begun a mini-walkthrough for those of you whjo need help with an early par of the game.

This is the SNES at it's best.    Tinker looks at the sun as Pino EATS THE CAT!

    Basically, Pino will do anything he can to one object to other objects of similiar size, as proved here where he is eating the cat (I'm not kidding. Making him interact with an object enough, and scolding him lightly after each other action will eventually force him to eat the treasure chest, cat, etc. While the object is in his mouth (his head is swollen), scold him, and he will spit it out. Overall, this game is really funny and fun. You should try to play it.

So far, I've gotten to Chapter 8, to get there, I had to (mini-walkthrough):

And that's it for know.