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    Seiken Densetsu 3 (SD3) is another RPG from Squaresoft. This is the official sequal to Secret of Mana and it happens to feature more fantasy-like, detailed graphics. The bosses are large and spells can have fantastic animations. There is a small price to pay for the eye candy, though. The game is occasionally slow to respond, like not having enemies die until a few seconds pass or not registering a button push. This does not really detract from the fun, though. The game is about 25 hours long, at least it looks like that's how long the game is going to be. It plays much like Secret of Mana, but I feel SD3 is the better game. The 7 charecters you can play as all have a total of 5 different classes to play as, with the first neutral class to start. From there, you can become light or dark, twice and Light-Dark is not the same as Dark-Light. Don't pass up the chance to play this game.It does have an English Translation on the internet, and you should be able to find it with no problem if you look. Square has not released the game in America and has no obvoius plans to do so.