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The Panesian trio of games ('Hot slot', 'Bubble Bath Babes', and 'Peek-a-boo Poker', in chronological order.) are known for their rarity and being about the only pornographic games on the NES. The graphic quality is not good, neither is the English, or gameplay, but there is only about 12 or so of each cartridge woldwide. Bubble Bath Babes, actually is a hack or was hacked into Soap Panic, which was copied and cleansed by Ocean of America into Mermaids of Antlantis. Interesting little chain of events. But the company is more interesting. A subdivision of Hacker International, Panesian made only three games, and no longer exists, and it seems, neither does Hacker Int'l.  Also, don't expect any pics from the games here, and don't request them.