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    Earthbound Zero is what was going to be Earthbound on the NES, but Nintendo cancelled the project after the game was fully translated, and even included copy protection (I'm so proud). It is called 'zero' because the game known as Mother 2 is called Earthbound on the SNES here, so Neo Demiforce (the dumper of the ROM) hacked in to the game to add the word 'zero' to the title screen, and removed copy protection from the part of the game where the gang leader joins, bringing up a screen proclaiming the game was a infringement of N's copyright's and the illegal copy would cease to function. (Not really, just reset and don't go there again. The savegames stay there, too.) However, it appears later in the game, where you find the last note to finish the game, the screen appeared again. I believe there are 3 ROMs, one w/o the word zero where a slight grammar fix set off the copy protection, one w/ the word zero that goes off at the gravestone with the melody, and a fully hacked version where the word 'zero' is in a blue fade and the protection doesn't appear. I am looking for the last version I used to have, and finished, but I am playing through it again and cannot find it. More info, maps, images, and such is found at, named after a enemy in the game who appears in 4 forms. Pics may appear soon.

Spoilers may be below if you have not finished both games. If you will never play either game, then there is no sense reading the below.

My theories about plot holes between Mother and Mother 2 (EB and EBZ)