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I see that you have made it to my site, although most of this site is on another server. This is just a title page. However, should you want to visit the whole site then click on the heading banner which will take you directly to the full site.


You will find everything of interest there. Just have a look around or even sign up to the fantastic opportunities available. Thank you for coming by, hope to see you again.


Get paid to have a website
Follow this banner and you'll be directed to terrashare. This host actually pays you to have a website. It works on the amount of traffic you have. Also it rates your site as a business, general, or gallery site. All of these ratings get different ratio's of revenue per view. Business sites do the best but must look professional or semi professional. All other sites that are business related but don't look professional or semi professional are put into catergory B at a lower level of revenue per view.

Still interested! Follow this banner. , by having a website you could be earning!!

Earn cash by using a host that pays you to have a website


UK Residents -  Want an ISP (internet service provider) that pays you for using the service!
I know, it sounds too good to be true. It is though, as from the 4 of December this service will be active. You are probably wondering well why should I sign up now. I'll tell you why.

- you can become an agent for this service and everyone that signs up under you, you get paid for their time too.

-just want to use the service? No problem, you will still get paid for the time you spend online with this service.

Sign up today and secure your position. You won't regret it when it starts. By the way, there are no telephone charges, it's absolutely free. An 0800 number.

Follow this link.

Get paid by your isp!


Internet Opportunities

Elaine Central has 3 pages full of opportunities. Click thru's / leads / commission on sales.

These opportunities are very lucrative if marketed right. Go to Elaine Central's marketing page and you'll find all the marketing tactics available. The best systems are the i Love clicks and Clickthru for immediate traffic.


Follow this link to reach the opportunities pages for the internet.

Elaine Central - Internet Opportunities.