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Right! Here we are. Devoid of any content or ramblings or fun or more fun.
Life has changed a great deal in the last couple of weeks. I've lost some friends, made some friends, found some friends that I haven't been in contact with in a while, had a job, lost a job, had a roomate, lost a roomate, and so on and so on.
As you can see, its been a trying couple of weeks. Through it all, I think I'm still pretty much the same old Angel that I've always been. That's not to say I hadn't just thought about up and leaving the rat race or taking my daughter and moving somewhere for a fresh beginning, but to do that would be unfair to all the people who are my friends, the people who rely on me, and the people whom I love as though they were family.
Yeah, call me crazy or sentimental like that. It's your choice really. I'll agree with both.

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Copyright 2000,
White Wolf Pulishing

These images by me!