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Angelfire created a problem with not only my page, but those of others, by adding the embedded ads at the bottom of the page. Because of this ad my sound mouseovers and my flying angel are both not working. I have asked angelfire for their help regarding this issue and hope to have my page working as creatively and uniquely as it was when it was built for all of you again in the near future. I am sorry for the missing fun.

I would very much like to thank everyone that has been here for their patience. I know this page takes some time to load, but I really do think it is worth the wait. You can hear tweety talk and sing by running your mouse over most of the pitures here. Have fun while you're here. And don't forget to visit my graphics page where you can get some graphics that you are welcome to use on your own pages. All of them were created with pictures found on the net, but animated or put into page sets by me. Thanks so much for allowing me into your lives for just a little while. I hope you enjoy your stay here and will come back and visit me again.


NEW...August 24, 2002 ...I just added a few Tweety Yahoo Messenger skins. I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed making them. You will find a link to take you to them at the bottom of this page.

August 27, 2002 4 new animations added to my graphics page.

I have finally started putting together a graphics page where you can get some really cool graphics to use on your own pages.You are welcome to use any of them you like, and you don't even have to link back to me if you don't want to. All I ask is that you don't take the background from this page. It was built especially for me. Thanks!!!! Just click on the magician below and you will be magically transported to my graphics pages.

I have recently added some Yahoo Messenger skins. To get yours just click on the Yahoo Messenger below and you will be transported instantly to downloands to some very cool skins!!!!

I would very much like to thank the members of Who's Who on the web for the honor of giving me their votes for not only my first award, but one that is very special to me. Thank you for your support and recognition.

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