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You found me! Now you go hide...

Welcome to the object of my procrastination

Two pictures of me.
Usually, I look more like the one on the left
(hair up and wearing yellow.)

So, a little information on me me...

Vital stats:
Name: Courtney
Nicknames: C, C. Drew, Drew, Drigga, Drigs, Drewski, Drewster,
Golden Nugget, Nugs, Riverside Girlfriend, RSGF... etc.
Age: 19
Preferred Age: somewhere between 2 and 7
Sex: *YES PLEASE!* er, I mean, Female

Other Random Information:

*I used to attend school at Kenyon College which is located in Gambier OH. If you haven't heard of it, it's because no one has. The town of Gambier is one of those towns that if you blink, you miss it. However, it is considered to be one of the most haunted places on Earth. And supposidly, the Gates of Hell are located on the campus. And, the door to the under world is supposedly under the chapel. It's freaky around there I tell you!

*I now attend St. Norbert College a small school in De Pere, WI. Yea, I go for the small towns. To save ya'll the question of why I transfered, I LOVED Kenyon, but it does not have education as a major, and here they do. I am planning on majoring in History with a secondary education certificate. For all of you pot smokers that can't figure out what that means: I am going to be a HS history teacher. And a dang good one too!

*I am also currently enthralled with the Left Behind Series, which is a series that is about the rapture. They're all based on the book of Revelation. Now, let me just share something with you... I very much so dislike reading. However, I love these books. If you are interested in reading anything about the end of the world, I highly recommend them.

*I'm a pretty crazy kid, as you'll be able to see in some of my pictures, should you choose to look at them. That's why my preferred age is somewhere between 2 and 7. You can be crazy and everyone just laughs at you, no one gives you weird looks. You're suposed to be crazy at that age. I hope I never grow up.



Great Songs

My Website for Class

A few sites I recommend

Kenyon College

Kenyon Ghosts

St. Norbert College

Katherine's Site

Sarah's Site

Pat McGee Band

Dave Matthews Band

The Left Behind Series


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