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There are now 2 different Midsummer
Night's Dream Desktop images:

MND Desktop

MND Desktop with title

(Some computers require desktop images to be
BMP files. If you need the BMP file, email Mandy.)


An Elizabethan frolic on a midsummer's eve in the middle of the woods, with faeries and Greek royalty? NOT! The stages of GlenOak revisualize Shakespeare's "Midsummer Night's Dream" to a contemporary setting. The Homecoming queen, the star Quarterback, the head cheerleader, and the class president wander the dark, steamy halls of their high school on a hot summer night. Little do they know that their innocent "frolic" is about to be turned upside down by the malicious plottings of the skateboard-toting, drug-dealing Puck. Joined by the drama class, the goths, and the lovestruck gym teacher and rent-a-cop, these four teens embark on a journey that will change their lives forever. Come experience the magic on November 2nd and 3rd in the GlenOak High School Little Theatre at 7:00 PM, so that you, too, can say that you know what Shakespeare did last summer!

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