Singles Match
Two Men in the ring. First one to pin their opponent, make their opponent submit, or knock out their opponent for 10 seconds wins. You CAN be disqualified.

Tag Team Match
2 teams of 2 in Tag Formation. Same as Singles Match... first team to pin one member of the other team wins.

Regular Rules, two teams with unequal number of wrestlers on each side, and the first team to have their wrestler pin or make an opponent submit is the winner.

Triple Threat
Regular Rules, three men in ring, and first to pin or make any opponent submit is the winner.

Regular rules, three men in ring, and last one left is the winner.

Four Corners
Regular Rules, four men in ring, and first to pin or make any opponent submit is the winner.

Four Men Elimination
Regular Rules, four men in ring, and last man left in the ring is the winner.

Anything goes, No DQ, and pinfalls count anywhere.

Anything goes, No DQ, and only way to win is to close the lid of Dumpster while opponent is in it.

First one to climb ladder and grab title belt that is hanging from the ceiling is the winner.

Ladder (Non-Title)
Like Hardcore, but with the option of climbing the ladder and grabbing a special weapon.

Barbed Wire
Anything goes, pinfalls only in the ring, and the ring is wrapped around in barb wire

Hell in a Cell
In a Cage covering all around, submissions and KO are the only way to win.

Regular rules, but only way to win are to knock out opponent (10 seconds).

Iron Man
Regular Rules, wrestler to get to pin or make opponent submit the most times in a certain amount of time is the winner.

Steel Cage
Wrestlers are in a huge cage, with only the top open. The only way to win is to climb out and touch the floor with both feet before your opponent.

Buried Alive
Anything goes, only way to win is to bury opponent in an already dug grave.

Regular Rules, except both wrestlers are connected by a bull rope, forcing them to stay together. Win like singles match.

Lumberjack Match
Regular Match, but enforcers outside the ring. Whenever someone falls out of the ring, the enforcers throw the wrestler back in the ring.

Submission Match
Anything goes, only way to win is make opponent submit.

Inferno Match
Anything goes. The ring is surrounded by flames and the only way to win is to set your opponent on fire.

Table Match
Anything goes, only way to win is to drive your opponent through a table.

Tornado Match
2 teams of 2 in No Tag Formation. Same as Singles Match... first team to pin one member of the other team wins.

Last Man Standing Match
Anything goes, only way to win is to Knockout your opponent.
(Hardcore Version of TKO Match)

Boiler Room Brawl
Wreslters fight in a Boiler Room. Anything goes, only way to win is to escape the Boiler Room.

Street Fight
Match takes place in an Alley. Anything goes, and you win by normal standards.

Suggestions on some matches? Questions about these matches?