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Hello Everyone! Welcome to my "Hide Away"!
My name is Amber Dolan, I am a 2005 Graduate of Elyria High School.
I am a very strong willed person,
and Thanks to my mom who made me do things for myself, that she knew I could do,
when I didn't want to do it myself..(you can't fool MOM!!
(LoL) I am preparing to have a place of my own someday soon.

I enjoy traveling with my family,
WWF wrestling, Nascar Racing, the internet, talking on the phone and just having fun with my friends!
I hope that you enjoy browsing my pages and will come back often.

This is my mom, dad and my sister who I love very much!
My dad is a construction worker and my mom works in Home Health Care, caring for the elderly. There is never a dull moment at my house...My dad loves to "pick" with me
And I am sure that I get my "sense of humor" from my dad and "my good looks" from my mom! (She said to say

Now meet my sister Crystal.
Not only is she my "sister" she is my "friend".
Crystal found the love of her life Aaron Hall and they got married last summer (2010).

I Am The Child

I am the child who cannot walk.
The world seems to pass me by.
You see the longing in my eyes to get out of this chair,
to run and play like other children.
There is much you take for granted.
I want the toys on the shelf,
I need to go to the bathroom,
oh I've dropped my fork again.
I am dependent on you in these ways.
My gift to you is to make you more aware of your great fortune,
your healthy back and legs, your ability to do for yourself.
Sometimes people appear not to notice me;
I always notice them.
I feel not so much envy as desire,
desire to stand upright,
to put one foot in front of the other, to be independent.
I give you awareness.
I am the child who cannot walk.

This is taken from the poem "I Am The Child", to read this poem in it's intirity,
please go here
I Am The Child

This is a picture of me at the fish pond in West Virginia.
I was born with "Spinal Bifida" for those that don't know what that is, you can click on the button below and that will tell you a little bit about my birth defect.
I hope that you find something interesting here and will come back often, I have tried to add links of interest, please email me if any links are broken and I will correct it!
Thank you so much for stopping by!

Email Me! I'd love to hear from you.
Email Amber

Where would you like to go now ?

My WWE Wrestling Page

My Favorite Song Artists

My Nascar Page

Meet My Special Friends

Pictures Of Lil' Ole' Cute Me!

People Who Have Touched My Life

Learn About Spinal Bifida

National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
"Call 1-800-THE-LOST (1-800-843-5678) if you've seen this child"

Webpage Set By Penny Parker

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