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The Wolf Den (A journey into the knowledge of our wolf brothers and sisters)

Wolves have been around sice the beginning of time,
living alongside man as his brother, until folklore destroyed that bond.
Now wolves have become an endangered species because of man's ignorance.
We must band together to save these beautiful creatures before there are no longer any surviving in the wild.
Let's protect them now so the children of the future can look upon these blessed creatures
with the respect they so deserve.
Let's ban together and save our brothers and sister - the wolves....

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This "Niteowl's Official Wildlife Site" is owned by Lisa Anderson.
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Link to Save the Children Web Site

Follow these links to more pages. Information is the key to wolf survival...

The Wolf Links Page
Pictures of my adopted wolves. I would give my life to ensure the survival of these wolves and all others..
Wolf & Wolf Hybrid Links
Excellent places to adopt wolves/wolf dogs from...
Places where you can donate money for Wolf Protection and Native Americans
Coyote - A Wolf's Neighbor
Coyote Pictures
Two wolf pups who need much love....
Wolf Den's Wolf Banners

Check these places out...

National Wildlife Federation
My Web Rings I'm a member of....
International Wildlife Coalition
Wilderness Inspirations
Wildlife Artist - Pat Morris
Wolf Den's Official Web Ring
Native American Winter (my Native American Web Page)

wolderful links to wolf petitions, wolf pictures and more...

Eastern Timberwolf Petition
Mexican Wolf petition
Save the Wolf
Wonderful Wolf Pictures
Where Love Struggles To Exist