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TOTP Presents....Bryan!

alt="Bry at the Pops!"> TOTP: When you changed your name from Westside to Westlife, what other suggestions for names did you have?
Bryan: "Westside Boys and stuff like that, oh and West-Time! I didn't like it at the start but I love it now!"

TOTP: Do you write it West Life, or Westlife or WestLife?
Bryan: "All as one word and it's Westlife!"

TOTP: Can you put the nation's pop-kids out of their misery and tell them again that Boyzone aren't splitting up?
Bryan: "Boyzone are definitely not splitting up. I think that people think that when bands get to a stage where they're having a break before they release another album, then people think that they're going to break up! They've got another album to go, a tour to do, and a movie to come. Ronan, Steve, and Mike are releasing their own things. Keith's going to do a bit of presenting, and Shane is doing his driving. They're all just having a bit of a holiday. But I think that when they get back they're going to be bigger than ever!"

TOTP: How have things changed since the last time the boys were on the 'Pops?
Bryan: "In Ireland it's just totally changed and even in England it's just getting to a bit of a mental stage. It used to be that you got recognised by the younger kids, and teenagers, but now it's adults and men, taxi men, just everyone noticing you! It' getting a bit scary now that everyone is noticing you. 5000 people turned up for the signing yesterday!" TOTP: How's the album coming along?
Bryan: "The album's coming along well. We've got one more song to tidy up and then we're absolutely finished. We thought we were finished but we had to finish another one. We should be finished in 2 weeks time ready to go in October."

TOTP: When will we get to see you on tour?
Bryan: "We've pencilled in some tour dates for March. We're just waiting for the go ahead."

TOTP: Do you still do your group huddle before you go on stage?
Bryan: "Of course!"
TOTP:..And have you added any extra bits to it recently?
Bryan: "No, it's still the same. It's legendary, we can't change it!"

TOTP: Which one of you five will be the first to release a scary indie single, like Mel C?
Bryan: "Probably me!"
(At this point Bryan's friend Sunny walks by)
Bryan: "We'll ask Sunny! Sunny - which one of us will be the first to go totally wild and release a scary indie single?"
Sunny: "Probably you!"
Bryan: "That's what I thought!"

TOTP: How did you feel when Geri Halliwell knocked you off the No. 1 with Mi Chico Latino?
Bryan: "It's fine, we love Geri. One week at the top spot is more than enough. There's a lot of bands out there. Geri deserves a No.1 she works really hard. She does so much good work, and I think she deserves it, and was very unlucky not to get it last time."