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Profile: Mark

Full Name: Markus Michael Patrick Feehily
Date of birth: 28/05/80
Place of birth: Sligo, Ireland
Where do you live now: Sligo, Ireland
Colour of eyes: Blue
Any tattoos: Nope
Dream house: Big house with swimming pool + tennis court in Sligo
Worst class(es): Irish/woodwork
Best class(es): French/Home Economics
Fave sport(s): Football/tennis
Fave actor: Eddie Murphy
Fave actress: Lisa Kudrow (Phoebe – Friends)
Fave male singer: Michael Jackson
Fave female singer: Mariah Carey
Best movie ever: The Nutty Professor
Phrase that you use often: Well buddie – whats the crak (Irish for fun)
Fave cereal: Rice Crispies/weetabix
Fave soft drink: Fanta Lemon
McDonalds or Burger King: McDonalds
Fave one-liner: Here love, here’s 2 kroner – ring your mum and tell her you won’t be home!
Romantic move (ex. Flowers, going to a movie): flowers, disco, dinner, home to bed!
Fave place to chill: On the couch in front of T.V.
Fave place to visit: Home (Sligo)
Fave perfume, men’s: Hugo Boss
Fave perfume, women’s: Calvin Klein
Blondes or brunettes: Brunettes
U2 or B*Witched: U2
BSB or boyzone: boyzone
Have a girlfriend: No, too young

The others on Mark
What's the best thing about Mark?
Nicky: "He's really quiet and doesn't open up to you unless he really knows you. Mark's a very private person, but
when he gets into one of his mischevious moods then there's no stopping him."
Shane: ""He's got a really great personality but although he's all quiet when your haveing a convosation he'll listen
till the end and then he'll just chip in something hilarious at the end."
What's his worst habit?
Bryan: "He farts on photoshoots so be warned Mizz! Oh, and he's useless at getting out of bed in the morning-in
fact, I've never met anyone who's so bad. We'll be leaving at 8am and he'll still be in bed at 7.55am. He's a
What does he worry about?
Nicky: "Yeah, probably about getting up in the morning - one day he'll miss a flight 'cos he doesn't get up on time!"

Shane: "He's probably the same as me - worrying about when he's going to see his family next."