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What’s the most boring interview question you’re asked?
It’s not that it’s boring, but we do get asked about how the band got together and how we felt knocking Ronan of No.1 spot.

When did you first learn about the birds and the bees?
I learnt stuff just from talking with friends, but I remember my dad sat me down and asked me how much I knew. Then he said if I needed to ask anything, I could ask him. I’ve always been very close to my parents so it wasn’t too embaressing.

How attractive are you on a scale of 1 to 10?
Oooooh (chuckles) That’s a difficult question! I reckon I’m nothing special – probably about four or five. What a horrid question to answer!

What do you worry about the most?
I worry about loads of things in life. I’m like me mum who’s the biggest worrier ever! I tend to worry about things that affect other people more than myself. I worry about how other people are back at home when I haven’t been able to see them for a while.

Would you ever pose naked in a magazine?
I don’t think so. I mean, if someone offered me all the lottery money I might – just might – pose nude!

Do you read the newspapers?
Yeah, I try to have a look at them whenever I get the chance, which isn’t often. I usually start at the back of the paper in the sports section, and work my way forwards. I like to look at the pop and gossip pages as well of course!

How many pillows do you like to have in bed?
I always try to have two. I think three is too many – you can’t get your head comfy with three. But two is perfect. I like a huge feather duvet and a funky duvet cover to snuggle under too!

How many times have you fallen in love?
Oh just the once, with Georgina! We’ve been together for five years now and we’re still in love. She’s fantastic and whenever I have any spare time I always try really hard to see her. Although it’s hard ‘cause I’m away with the band so much. I probably phone her between 15 and 20 times a day!

Do you want to be a dad when you’re older?
Yeah I definitely want to settle down when I’m a bit older, which’ll be a few years yer. I reckon I’d like to get married, have a nice house and have three kids – at least one boy and one girl anyway!

When did you last do your own washing?
You know, I can’t even remember the last time I did my own washing! When I was still at home all the time my mum did it for me. Then when I was playing for Leed United, it was lal ldone for us, and now we don’t really have the time to go down to the laundrette!


Have you ever had any body parts waxed?
I had my chest waxed just the once about eight months ago. It was before we started the band, but never, ever again! It was the most painful thing I’ve ever had done. I had it done ‘cause I didn’t really like my hairy chest and I was curious what it would look like. But now I love my hairy chest!

Do you get more spots now you have to wear make-up a lot of the time?
We all look after our skin as much as we can. Obviously we all get spots ‘cause we are only human. But I’ve been quite lucky on that front really – what I eat doesn’t affect my skin. I don’t do all that cleanse, tone and moisturise – well only if my skins dry.

How many times have you been in love?
Never properly. It was probably more puppy love than real love. When I was 14 I went out with a girl for a year. I told her I loved her and I was crazy about her. I thought I loved her at the time though.

Would you ever pose naked?
I would take my top off. I wouldn’t do it regularly, but maybe just once – not tomorrow or the next day but some day. I’d have to tone up first though! The whole hog? Definitely not! I think that’s just lowering yourself, don’t you?

When was your first proper kiss?
My frist snog was when I was about 10 or 11. It was a french kiss and it wasn’t very memorable. It was like a washing machine. My first memorable one was with a girl from my home town and she was a really good kisser – she was two years older than me as well!

Would you tell everyone if you were seeing someone or keep it a secret?
I’m not seeing anyone at the moment although I do date. I wouldn’t say anything unless I was sure I was gonna be staying with the girl for a while. There’s no point until you know it’s more long-term.

How attractive are you?
Ha ha! I don’t know! I’m alright I suppose. I guess a safe bet would be about five out of ten. Some days I look OK, on others I think I look awfull! Sometimes I have a bad week and I wonder why fans fancy me. But you don’t have to be a model or stunning for people to like you. Today I looked in the mirror and I looked tired, but after a shower I looked a bit better!

What bodily bit would you change?
Erm… that’s difficult. I love my hands – they’re the best part of my body! I don’t like my big bellybutton – it’s an ‘inny’! You could fit a 5p coin in it, infact the coin would disappear!

Apart from Shane, what other names do you like?
I like Stephen (Their spelling) and Jack. My grandfather was called Jack and that’s a nice solid name. Stephens my middle name so I like that, too.


When did you last have a nice long lie-in?
Ooooh it’d have to be after Nicky’s 21st birthday. We had a day off and I slept till 6.30 that evening! I was up until four in the morning so I must’ve been catching up on my sleep, big time!

Can you remember your last nightmare?
Yeah, I dreamt we were dong a concert at Wembley. When we came on stage the crowd just stood there looking at us. We started singing and no was was cheering – then we forgot the songs. I was so glad when I woke up!

What’s the sexiest food you could cook for a girl?
I’m good at cooking Italian. Snuggling up and eating pizza together – that’s always a good one! Especially if the topping’s ham, mushroom and pineapple. I can cook stir-fries and spaghetti bolognese, but I don’t bother with the herbs and spices ‘cause you can buy some great sauces!

What do you daydream about?
Performing at Wembley, Madison Square Garden in New York and in Sydney too.

Do you ever feel guilty about eating meat?
No not at all. I love meat. Chicken, beef, bacon… I love it all! It’s totally out of the question that I could ever become a vegetarian ‘cause I love meat too much.

What was the last secret you let slip?
I’m generally really good at keeping secrets, if someone trusts me with one. My problem is that I let my own secrets slip ‘cause I forget their secrets. I used to do it all the time with my teachers, I’d say I did three hours homeword to my teacher. Then half an hour later the teacher would ask me if I watched the football on TV the night before and I’d say yes, and she’d realise I was lying!

What’s the most ridiculous story you’ve heard about yourself?
It wasn’t about me in particular – it was about the whole band. I read this report about five months ago saying we were ‘Top of the Paupers’! Apparently we’re completely broke and have to borrow money off our family and friends to go shopping. The truth is Westlife is like a normal job and we get payed a set amount. We’re not millionaires, but we’re certainly not paupers!

Do you forget to brush your teeth?
No way – you never know, I might be in for a bit of a kiss with someone! I feel dirty anyway if I don’t clean my teeth regulary. The secret of snogging is always have a packet of stong mints on you!

Have you ever got into a fight ‘cause of a girl?
No, but I nearly did once. When I was 15 I was going out with this girl and there was this bunch of lads that really liked her. They kenw I was with her so they used to tease me and try to get me worked up by saying really horrible things. I’m not violent and I would never fight unless I had to. It’s always better to turn the other cheek.


When did you last stay up all night?
That was in Sweden recently. We did a big show and then had a massive party in one of our rooms. There was us, Precious and a1 and we had a mad time and completely wrecked the room!

Is it weird having your love life scrutinised by the papers?
It is a bit weird actually! Even when I don’t meet people, it appears in the papers that I have. I;m always reading about these girls I’m supposed to be going out with, who I’ve never even met! Mind you, when I do go out with people I’ll never deny it. I owe it to the fans to be honest, they buy our records so why should I lie to them about if I’m going out with anyone or not? I don’t really mind my love life being talked about – it’s part and parcel of the job isn’t it?

If one of Westlife suddenly left, what would happen?
We’d just carry on. It would be hard ‘cause each of us brings their own special personality to the band. I can’t imagine that ever happening.

Will you ever get married and have kids in the near future?
(Looks shocked!) I’ll have to wait until the bands finished or a good few years down the line when the bands more established that’s for sure. I’d like to have a wife and kids by the time I’m 30 though. At the mometn I haven’t time for a girlfriend never mind a wife!

Is that why you and Lene Aqua split up?
Well yea, me and Lene lasted for about a month and a half. We were quite serious about eachother, but we just never got the time to meet, so we finished it. We’re still friends though.

What’s one thing you are most sensitive about?
My weight! I have to always watch what I eat. If I ate like I did when I was younger I’d balloon again. I used to get a lot of hassle about my size when I was at school which upset me. The lads give me a bit of stick about it.

How did you learn about the birds and the bees?
From other kids at school! You know how it is, you just pick up bits of information by listening to what everyone else is whispering about!

When was the last time you were scared?
There was a plane crash recently when a plane took off from NewYork and one of my friends was taking off from there at the same time. Fortunately she wasn’t on that plane, but I was really scared she was.

What programmes do you hate to miss?
I never miss friends. When I’m not at home my sister tapes it every week for me, then when I come home, I watch seven or eight in a row! I used to always try and watch coronation street, but I’ve given up trying to keep up with it ‘cause I’m away so much.

Would you ever have plastic surgery?
Never! I’m happy with what I’ve got. This is what God gave me and I wouldn’t try and change it. What about when I go all saggy and old? Nah. I’m not bothered, maybe I’ll start using Oil of Olay!


When was your last kiss?
My last proper kiss was about two weeks ago. I was a kiss partner, too, so I was a bit nervous. It was really nice though! My first ever kiss was when I was 13. Some french students were staying in our town and I ended up snogging one of them. It was lovely and then she came back for another one!

Are you romantic?
I can be very romantic, but not all the time. I’m certainly no Romeo spouting shakespear underneath a balcony! I think the most romantic thing I ever did was on Valentines day when I got a friend of mine to hide a ring and a rose underneath a bush in the park and then I took my girlfriend for a walk there. Just as we were passing the bush I told her to look under it and she found the presents. She loved it.

What do you daydream about?
It depends what I’ve heard or what I’ve been listening to. When I know that I’m going to get some time off to myself or time off from the band, I always start daydreaming about what I’m going to do.

How much sleep do you need?
I’d say that I need about five hourse a night now. It used to be eight hours but because we’re so busy I never used to have that much. How do I cope? I just get put on my feet by someone and pushed off to our first appointment of the day!

Have you ever written poetry?
Never romantical. I wrote poetry at school. Well, I say poetry – it was more rude limericks. I found it easier to write stuff that was really rude for some reason!

What’s your top beauty tip?
When I’m feeling really tired in the morning and I have to try and look fresh for pictures, I hold my eyes wide open and splash my eyeballs with cold water! I know it sounds horrid, but it seems to work and get rid of red eyes.

Do you worry about your body?
I try to look as toned as I can and go to the gym if I get the chance, but, to be honest, I’m quite happy with the state of my body. I’m always grateful for what I’ve got. When you see what some people have to deal with, havin handicaps and things like that, then it makes you feel grateful just for being healthy.

Have you ever felt lonely?
Lots of times. I’m still 19 and I’m part of a successful band which means spending a lot of time away from home and that can get lonely. I’ve always got the other lads with me though which is great. I hate it when you’ve got time off at home and you know in a couple of days you’ve got to go off travelling. You might not get to see your family for another six weeks or so. Then it gets lonely.