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T. O. S. O. H.

The Other Side of Health

3070 Mayfield Road

May Lee Medical Building, Room 303


Cleveland Ohio 44106

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Dr. Hakeem Lewis, N.D. 's

Web Page

 3 Ways to Recuperate

1)    Rest

2)   Recreation

3)   Sleep

Foods to Avoid

Ø     No Meat

Ø     No Dairy Products (eggs, cheese, milk, ice cream, etc.)

Ø     No Fried foods

Ø     No Sweets (cake, pies, cookies, etc.)

Ø     No Soda Pop


1)    Limit or remove refined foods, sugar, sweets, pastry, white flour, etc. No salt.

2)   Replace refined foods with complex carbohydrates, natural, high fiber carbohydrates

3)   Strict lacto-vegetarian, low calorie alkaline diet of natural foods

4)   Plenty of whole grains, especially buckwheat, millet and oats.

5)   80% of your diet is raw vegetables for the fiber.

6)   No red meat. Chicken and fish only a few times a week.


General Rules for Healthy Living

q       Avoid animal proteins

q       Avoid salt and strong spices

q       Avoid coffee, tea and alcohol

q       Reduce stress, worry and anger

q       No Smoking

q       Eat many small meals and don't over-eat

q       Get needed rest

q       Develop positive and clear thoughts


 Foods that are very helpful

1)     Garlic

2)    Buckwheat

3)    High Potassium Foods: fruits and vegetables

4)    Onion

5)    Millet

6)    Oats

7)    Brewer's Yeast

8)    Wheat Germ

9)    Asparagus

10)          Bananas

11)            Beans: red kidney, black eyed peas, pinto, chickpeas or garbanzos, lentils and soybeans

12)          Kiwi Fruit

13)          Mango


Product Reference and Order Information

ü     The Ultimate - total body purifier

ü     The Ultimate total body weight loss

ü     The Ultimate Fat burners

ü     Alkaplex G

ü     Achol

ü     Cari-Amino

ü     Pan 523

ü     Orthoflavin

ü     BNM

ü     Enz-Lax

ü     Super-Gest

ü     Melatonin

ü     Dreams of Beauty Skin Cream with Melatonin


Rejuvenation 2000

  Total body purifier


The Ultimate Rejuvenation 2000

Total body purifier


What is The Ultimate Rejuvenation 2000?

The Ultimate Rejuvenation 2000 is a functional food with over 75 all natural pharmaceutical grade ingredients; including herbs, vitamins, minerals, micronutrients and macronutrients.

The Ultimate Rejuvenation 2000 is a powder that mixes with water and juice into a great tasting drink. It is a meal supplement. Just 1-3 servings a day will put you on the road to good health.

Who needs The Ultimate Rejuvenation 2000?

In 1989 alone, a grand total of 6,000,000,000 pounds of chemical pollutants were released into the environment we eat, breath, and live in. Just like the chemicals in the air have polluted our environment, the added chemicals in the air have polluted our environment, the added chemicals in our foods have polluted our bodies. Refined foods, fast foods, artificial foods, microwavable foods, preservatives, colorings and conditioners have contaminated our food supply. These poor quality diets combined with the overuse of antibiotics, multiple medications, hormone-injected fish, fowl and meat have created a state of "internal pollution"

What is The Ultimate Rejuvenation 2000?

v    "The life of the flesh is in the blood." The Ultimate Rejuvenation 2000 has over 10 blood purifying herbs.

v    The many ingredients in The Ultimate Rejuvenation 2000 including soy extract, contribute to immune enhancement, cholesterol lowering and are anticarcinogenic.

v    The Ultimate Rejuvenation 2000 is a natural alternative to estrogen replacement, it can help prevent hot flashes and osteoporosis.

v    The Ultimate Rejuvenation 2000 reduces joint aches, pain and stiffness.

v    The Ultimate Rejuvenation 2000 fights colds, flus, and viral infections.

v    The Ultimate Rejuvenation 2000 prevents and stops body tissues from turning cancerous.

v    The Ultimate Rejuvenation 2000 can improve intestinal and colon health, improve kidney and liver function, lower blood sugar, improve circulation and skin and increase energy.

v    The Ultimate Rejuvenation 2000 has been successful in stabilizing bouts of constipation and loose stools. It has also improved conditions of colitis, inflammation and yeast infections.

v    "The life of the flesh is in the blood." Dis-ease cannot live in pure, clean blood.

Common Questions People Ask:

Will The Ultimate Rejuvenation 2000 interfere with other medication I am taking?

No, The Ultimate Rejuvenation 2000 contains all natural ingredients. These ingredients provide nutrition to the body's detoxification mechanism and cleanse the blood of toxins at the cellular level. 1 - 2 servings a day actually will help rebuild your health. Most medications mask and suppress symptoms as well as contribute more toxins (chemical wastes) into your body.

How long do I need to take The Ultimate Rejuvenation 2000?

The Ultimate Rejuvenation 2000 is a food. To experience good results we recommend you try the product for 2 - 3 weeks, taking 1 - 3 servings a day. You may continue to take the product for weeks or months. It is a food. It is a meal supplement. The longer you take it, you will continue to rebuild your health.

Will I lose weight on The Ultimate Rejuvenation 2000?

Many people experience weight loss from 2 - 20 pounds within a 2 - 3 week period. This weight loss is waste loss. It varies with each individual. However, The Ultimate Rejuvenation 2000 is not, in itself, a weight loss program.

For weight loss, we recommend using The Ultimate Rejuvenation 2000 for 2 - 3 weeks, then using The Ultimate Rejuvenation Weight Loss product until you reach your desired goal. Ask about The Ultimate Rejuvenation Weight Loss product if weight loss is your desire.

What should I expect from The Ultimate Rejuvenation 2000?

Each individual will have a unique experience. This is because each individual is in their own unique state of health. However, thousands of people have used The Ultimate Rejuvenation 2000 and the following results are common:

Increase in energy, general feeling of well-being; sleep better; no longer crave sweets, junk food or snacks; loss of desire for alcohol and smoking; lowered blood sugar; lowered blood pressure; lowered cholesterol; correction of urination problems; stiffness and joint pain gone; sinus and allergies reduced; skin improved; gas and bloating gone; vision improved; memory improved; nervousness and anxiety reduced; concentration improved and other fantastic results.

These are not miracles. These are the results of cleansing the blood at the cellular level.

How does it taste?

The Ultimate Rejuvenation 2000 has a mild vanilla flavor. You may mix it with your favorite juice for a fruity flavor. It is a very tasty, very satisfying drink!!

*Special Notes

If you experience a headache or gas or bloating, these may be symptoms of rapid detoxification. Reduce your servings in half or stop for a day or two. If your symptoms persist for several days, consult a healthcare practitioner.

If you are a diabetic, you may take smaller servings more frequently. Mix with water only.

For more information read my book "Dr. You".

Again, follow the rules and you will get results!!! As Toni the Tiger says "You will feel great"!