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The Library

Welcome to the library. Right now, I'm in the middle of putting up my own fanfic and it'll be up soon! Send me your own fan fic and I'll put it up. Trust me, I like putting up fanfic! :) Best send a disclaimer and copyright unless you want your work stolen. If you can't, or forget, don't worry, I'll put one up for you.


The Books at present!

Rachel by Kathryn A 90's girl wakes up in Tortall and has no way to get home. I'll leave you to read the rest! :)

The Daemon Chronicles by Kathryn It's a fantasy story, by me, that is set in the fantasy world of Eldereare. It's kind of like the Alanna series, you may find some similarities, but it's mainly my own. Erm, I can't think of a good summary right now, so you'll just have to read it!

One of Day and Night by Kathryn Another one by me. Um, a fanfic based on LJ Smith's Night World series. If you've never read it, you probably won't understand it, but read it anyway. It's horror I'm afraid, but I'm desperate for feedback!

Stories by Heather

The Journey

Identity Crisis


Strange Magic

A Numair fanfic

A Rispah and Coram fanfic

Stories by Eisam

Knights of Tortall

Fire Magic

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