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9/15/00- Nothing much new... SoK got completely erased, so we have to re-upload everything... I'm changing this sites banner.. to a better one, and I have a new web page to add under my belt, my school's gifted booster club.. you can check that [here].

8/06/00- Finished DBGT eps. Completed My CDs.

8/05/00- Im working for a new site now... Saiya-Jin Ou Kiseki

7/20/00- Added fanart.

6/21/00- Whoa its been a long time since i updated. The idea of having a website is not as appealing to me anymore... I hardy ever update. Consider this site frozen.... Updates will occur infrequently.

5/6/00- Added more lyrics; Jennifer Lopez, Lil Wayne, and Light It Up.

5/2/00- Added new award: "Team KAOS Award".

5/1/00- Added new award: "The Webmaster Has Had Too Much Caffeine Award".

4/22/00- Added even more lyrics, updated my CDs section.

4/21/00- Added more lyrics: Green Day, Dookie & Nimrod, and Star Wars Episode I. Improved Navigation on site.

4/4/00- Got a new award! Check it out! Added editorials section. I am working hard on finding lyrics for my CDs.

4/2/00- I added a My CDs section. It's no where near completion... I got the first few done.

4/1/00- The first big update in a LONG time. I changed the layout of my page, making it faster. I also redid the polls section, with new and better polls.

11/25/99- Not the big update I planned, but got the celebs up and running again, new and improved!

11/18/99- Created the Power Levels Section.

11/2/99- Added A whole bunch of new awards to the awards ive won section.

10/30/99- Adopted Goten! Added another 30 pics to the pokémon gallery. These pics are of the latest ones, such as Nuoh and Sui. I also had some extra space, so I added some regular (1-151) pokémon pics.

10/29/99- Updated the Star Wars pics section like the others.

10/28/99-We have a new Award Winner!! Congrats to MsMisato's Anime Paradise!

10/27/99- Updated the Pokémon section. I re-did it just like the others, it looks a lot better, and has the latest Pokémon. Fixed a broken link in my fan art section.

10/22/99- Updated the Final Fantasy and Ronin Warriors sections. More pics, neatly arranged. Also updated the special thanks section. Moved the Pokémon section to the anime pictures section.

10/21/99- Updated the Unsorted Anime section with more pics, and made it look better. Added another award to the awards i've won section.

10/16/99- Added more DBGT episode summaries. Also redid the SM gallery. It looks a lot better, it's in a neat table. Plus, it has more pics now.

10/11/99- Fixed problem with the frames and the anime pictures.

10/10/99- Completely changed the look of the DBZ Gallery. It has more pics, and it looks better. 10/08/99- Added 2 new drawings to fan art. Touched up the section a bit.

10/03/99- Added 2 banners to the Link to Me section.

10/01/99- Changed my banner, added a my banners/link 2 me section. Many thanks to Hipp for making my first SSJMAX banner, many thanks to Gokou for telling me how to make excellent banners using MSN Paint. Created a Ronin Warriors Pictures section in Anime pictures. Added 1 new pic to New Pokémon and Sailor Moon.

9/26/99- Completely changed the multimedia section. Has a better layout, better background. Added 4 mpegs to it, and 1 mov.

9/25/99- Completely changed the interactive game. Now its called Fight Frieza (gee, i wonder what its about). It is a lot better than the last one. It has a new layout. Also added new award to awards i've won section.

9/24/99- Added 2 new awards to the awards i've won section.

9/19/99- Fixed broken links. Touched up some parts of the site; the little stuff.

9/16/99- Added new award for you to win in the win my awards section (Sci-Fi Award of Excellence). Added samples of all the awards.

9/13/99- Moved my homepage, moved my updates section, added W-Wing Specifications in the bios section. 9/10/99- Got a new redirect Also got a new domain e-mail address. Added new forum (message board).

9/9/99- Added new animations.

9/4/99- Added a new pokemon section. New Pokemon. Added Stats section to the site map. Fixed front page so that it leads to the site map instead of having all the links there. Plus I got a new award. YIPEEE!!!

8/29/99- Got a new award! YAY!!! Added Sailor Galaxia bio, added stats section, though it's not yet linked to the main page. You can view it here: Star Wars Stats. Made the win my awards section more official looking. Added 3 new pics in the smoon gallery, of the Sailor Senshi Galaxia

8/28/99- Completely redid the picture galleries, converted them ALL into thumbnails.

8/27/99- Changed the banner.

8/25/99- Uploaded a bunch of pictures, added all my dbz drawings to fanart, added a dbz cards section, added 4 pages of cards, updated the site map and the nav bar for my frames section, and made the title Saiyan To The Max- Frames instead of the url.

8/24/99- Added 3 pictures to the fanart section, all mine, created the updates section, created the polls section, added 9 polls.

8/22/99- Created frames, improved the look of some parts of the site, added 4 pictures to the dbz gallery.
