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About me

Okay so this is where you get to know me a little better. My name is Tana, I am 24 years old and I live in Ohio. I moved here from Florida about 8 years ago. Why I am not real sure. I graduated from high school here in Ohio. I took a few college classes, but I was not ready for the whole college thing. I plan to go back someday when I have my life in order. For those of you who know me you know that this could take a long time.

I have 2 sisters, which comes with 1 brother-in-law. I am currently going through a divorce and I have a little girl who is going to be 2 years old in February. I am dating this guy that I have known for going on 7 years now. He is wonderful!!! I do believe that he is the "ONE". :0)

Now on to how I feel about my friends and family. I would do anything for a friend or for my family. I have already been in so many fights over my little sister it's almost ridiculious. But the good part is that I get to beat her up afterwords cause well I am her sister and I can. I may look all sweet and innocent but I can fight with the best of em. So unless you have some prob with me I suggest you leave all of them alone!!!!!