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How I wish I was.....

The wind that blows through her hair at night as she sits on a raft in her pool.

It’s late, all the lights in her house are off. She’s just sitting there, drifting around, like a ship in the dark that’s lost at sea. Her toes are dangling back and forth in the warm water as the moon light reflects off the swirls their making. The wind gently maneuvers through her hair, barely moving it; like a brown silk sheet when it’s occupant slowly moves in slumber causing it to gently ripple and roll.

Her overwhelming beauty; nothing can compare to seeing her like this.

She cracks an occasional smile as another memory pops in her mind. Could she be thinking of school or work? Maybe something more intimate and involving like friendship, I wonder if she thinks of me, if she does in what way? Am I considered a friend or maybe the secret love of her life that she’s yet to tell me about? Either way I hope the thought of me makes her happy.

The sounds of her surroundings that sometimes catch her attention.

The crickets answering each other all over the fresh cut grass, the two frogs groaning to one another, and the lone owl perched high in the dead pine tree. It’s eyes are wide open catching the gleam from the street light that’s beside the house. The same light that has cast this soft comfortable glow across the yard. It makes many shadows and the shadows seem to be frozen, hypnotized, watching her every move. Like the beauty of the moment has captivated not only my dream but all that’s in it as well.

The sounds that vanish, to her, just as quickly as they appeared.

The wind blows again, caressing her entire body. Her head lays back and her hair is swimming in the water. It swims happily like it’s so grateful to be part of her. She feels the air rush over her and suddenly she rolls off the side of the raft and into the water. She holds her breath for, what seems to be, an eternity. Feeling the current of the water touching her she maneuvers all over the pool. Her unclothed body sometimes brushes the bottom of the pool.

What she’s looking for as she explores the entire pool.....searching.

She jumps up out of the water almost like a dolphin. A dolphin who ventures far off into the ocean just to get away. One who swims so fast under the water trying to leave everything behind that it forgets it all. One that, as the passion of it’s surroundings over takes it, jumps out of the water as high as it can. Mainly cause it wants to feel what life is like out there, in a different place.

The water. It’s all so powerful that even it seems to swim in her emotions.

Back on the raft, she lays now; staring at the celestial canopy of stars above her. She’s asking herself the usual questions: “I wonder how many there really are?” “Where did they all come from?” “If I was out there could I be this happy?” Questions of innocence and simplicity. Strange things you ask yourself when your at peace and full of happiness. Strange because few reach this state and ever think about it all. Strange because peace and love are things that few ever really experience.

Her soul as she reads this and understands the love I see in her heart.

It’s amazing how nature and our surroundings can give us such peace. I wish I could be given the chance to consume her like this night, in my dreams, did. Someone may read this and look at it as some perverted erotic fantasy. Those people would be blind and the ones who’ll never have that state of peace, love, and happiness. If they were to understand the story they would see that the young women is at a peace that not everyone can understand much less hope to find. The wind and water caressed her physically but even more so mentally; just like love and happiness caress a soul. A happiness with herself and everything around her. It was like she was at one with nature. It wasn’t her and nature it was one being just like we’re one with God. To me that’s the most precious and beautiful thing in the world. A love that can drowned you into such a state that you can loose yourself in it all yet find yourself after you’ve been lost.

Randy McGee August 1997

Prose by Root