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This is the original site, started in 1999. Most of the photos in here were taken at different CART races throughout the 1999 season.

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This was the original site created in 1999, using photos from the CART racing season

Let me introduce myself.  My name is Dineen Dowmont and I'm just your average race fan, living in Lakewood, Ohio.  I've been fortunate to have the opportunity to visit many of the CART races in the Midwest.  This is a photo of myself taken at Mid Ohio in 1999, along with other race friends.

  I also receive popular racing publications and noticed that the photos were, well, very politically correct and could get very boring!  So I started taking photos that weren't like most of the others.  I took them from a different point of view - the rearview!

Then I expanded on it and decided to make it even more interesting. Each update will include a "mystery butt" with an opportunity to have fun guessing which CART driver it belongs.  I will follow-up at the next update with the answer and try to include front and rear shots in street clothes and/or driver uniform.

Relax and enjoy the ride!

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