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This site was made on 9-28-99. You can take any written material or pictures, with a few exceptions. First, you must give me some sort of credit. This can be in the form of a link to my site or a short sentence at the bottom of a page. I don't care, as long as it exists. Second, do not take anything expressly designed for this site. This includes logos, opening paragraphs, and any special phrases I use. Third, please contact me before using editorials. This is mostly just because I want to know what you think of them, but I'd also like to check out your site before you post my opinions.

Sailor Moon is ©1998 by Naoko Takeuchi, Kadansha and TOEI. The English adaptation is #169;1998 by Dic Entertainment. This website was created without the knowledge or endorsement of any of the copyright holders. The views expressed here are those of the creator or author(s) of materials and are not necessarily supported by the creators and copyright holders of Sailor Moon.