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I realize that I haven't updated michaelmind in a long long time, but soon, michaelmind will return to its previous splendor. In the mean time, you should pay a visit to which is the site I've been working on for the band I play guitar and sing for.
'I am in here, and I hate it'.
Update 3-24-2004 : Hey I got to looking at this again. Brings back memories.
updated FINALLY on May 30,2001 at 11:50 PM. Well...sort of...not really heh, just made minor changes...FIXED MY COUNTER
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Miles' satellite
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Audiofind is a free mp3 site and I use it all the time. If you use Audiofind,I would be thankful if you would just come to my page and use my Audiofind searchbox instead of going to Audiofind and using the one on thier page.It's the same searchbox and either way,you'll get the same results,but I would appreciate if you people would use mine instead to increase my traffic.
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