I Was Now I Am

The child in me
Is crying
Can you dry her tears?

The child in me
Is hurting
Can you stop her pain?

The child in me
Is dying
Can you save her life?

The child in me
Is dead
Can you understand?

What this has done
To the woman
I am

The woman I am
Is crying
Silent tears of longing
For the life
That should have been mine

The woman I am
Is hurting
Pain of unbearable measure
For reasons
I may never understand

The woman I am
Is dying
Hoping beyond hope
That each breath
Will be my last

The woman I am
Is dead
A walking corpse
Praying to every God in the known universe
The torture will soon end

Shay Kuntz
When is too much enough?


Email: shay@butterflyfiction.com