
I don't get it
He hurts me
She coddles him
He yells, screams at and blames me
Why is it ok?

I don't know the answer but I wish I did
I wish I knew why it's ok for him to get drunk night after night
I wish I knew why it's ok for her to 'forget'
I wish I knew why it's ok for him to blame me for his problems
Do you know the answer?

I just don't understand
I want to know why it's ok for him to push his habits on me
I want to know why it's ok for her to take her oversensitive bullshit out on me
I want to know how no matter what happens it's always my fault
Can you tell me?

He's depressed
She's hormonal
He's upset
I'm falling apart
What's wrong with this picture?

Shay Kuntz
Winter 2002


Email: shay@butterflyfiction.com