Ode To The Dimwits

You bitch because the laundry isn't done
Whose clothes are they
Oh they're yours
So why did you expect me to wash them
Oh because you work
What is that I do
Oh I was off today and you weren't
Again I ask; whose clothes are they

You bitch because the dishes are still in the sink
Whose turn was it
Oh yours
So why did you expect me to wash them
Oh because you work
What is it I do
Oh I was off today and you weren't
Again I ask; whose turn was it

You bitch because the bank wants to take the house
Why do they want the house
Oh because you didn't pay the mortgage for 6 months
But they gave you a chance to repay right
Oh you didn't do that either
Whose fault is that
How is it mine
Oh because I don't give you enough
Yes I do
Again I ask; whose fault is it
Oh the trip to Vegas was more important then the bills
So was the camera you don't know how to use

You're both idiots
Pay your damn bills and leave me the fuck alone
Oh you can't because you want to go to Michigan in November

Shay Kuntz
For Beth and Doug; Grow up children, welcome to the world. It's your fault, deal with it.


Email: shay@butterflyfiction.com